
When will Wattpad provide a way to disable mobile notifications for promoted stories or news or whatever. I don't care. I hardly even read anything on here and when I do it's not generic love story about boring skinny men. All I want notifs for is when people comment and give stars to my work.


When will Wattpad provide a way to disable mobile notifications for promoted stories or news or whatever. I don't care. I hardly even read anything on here and when I do it's not generic love story about boring skinny men. All I want notifs for is when people comment and give stars to my work.


(sorry if I pinged you guys twice I made a typo) Ended up deleting Ko-fi... apparently it prohibits "kinks that pose risk to participants" (despite obesity not causing health issues in the Sinnamon Rolls 'universe' lol. Yeah take that lore I never stated it anywhere but it's true.) but infuriatingly it lumps weight gain with stuff like asphyxiation, animal abuse, torture, YEAH sure okay  so I'll be looking elsewhere for a tip jar service.


@iamjustacreature Yeah and frankly I don't want to give them my business if they think my fetish is on the same level as the other kinds of stuff that's banned. Especially when I don't even like death feedism.


@rosaceaeprunus wow, that sucks... I didn't know kofi had rules like that


Two things, first I'll be posting chapter 5 in a few days (idk when exactly, I'm super busy this week thank you work for the absolutely insane schedule)  
          Second, I've been considering making a Ko-fi in case anyone happens to be interested in tipping me or something. I just hope it doesn't come off like YOU MUST TIP ME AND I WANT TO MAKE MONEY!!! because I don't and never will make this stuff with a need to make money off of it. That would stress me out because I'd feel a need to regularly post things. And sure ideally I'd post on a schedule but I can't handle that. But yeah, idk when I'll open the Ko-fi but it might happen.


@rosaceaeprunus omg the new chapter was super cute!! :D I think opening a kofi is a great idea, it doesn't come off as bad at all! And don't worry about schedules, your lovely writing is always worth the wait so take all the time you need!❤️


Hey, um... my father suddenly passed away and I am... devastated. I love my dad so much and I can't stop crying. I might have to put Sinnamon Rolls on hold. I'm not sure if it will be "on hold" or not, since writing is the way I release stress so maybe if I get into a better headspace after the funeral on Saturday I could start again by next week. But just in case I can't right away... yeah. But SR means a lot to me, and I know my dad wouldn't want me to stop creating. He was also an artist as well, a musician. (And he could draw too actually.) He was a self-taught guitarist, and would write his own music. I like to think his ability to create lives on in me, even if in a different form of art. So especially because of that, SR will come back ASAP even if it does go on hold.


Do what’s best for you! The loss of a parent or family member, or anyone is one of the worst pains! We are here for you and want you to have what you need to heal. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


            I am SO SORRY for your loss .... Take as much time as you need!! I'll be sending my prayers .


Chapter 18 should be out within a week — it's done, but, I want to give myself a bit more time in case I come up with ideas. This chapter was hell on Earth to write, it was a mixture of pressure (pressure for the backstory's conclusion to be good), stress from retail hell, and the fact I had to, unlike everything before it, write/plain it 100% from scratch because I had only a vague idea of how it would play out. Thankfully it's finally over. And after this, I can at last begin posting things that are a bit more... spicy. Sorry it took such an insanely long time. 
          In the meantime, I finally decided on the names of Kari's parents, so I'll be editing the chapters in which they appear so they're called by their actual names and not "Kari's mom/mother/dad/father" all the time.


@rosaceaeprunus  its so  goooooooooooooooood!!


@ChrisSimpyHooman Aw, thank you, I'm glad you like it that much!


            c a n   i    m a r r y    y o u r     b o o k    P L S


Hi, been a while. I think the most difficult parts of a story to write are the beginning and the end. But also work has just been killing me, -ber months are the worst to work retail. I've also been playing video games a lot lately too.
          Anyway, there will be an 18th chapter. I know I said last time I wouldn't be wrong about the chapter count anymore. It's just that the finale scenes are longer than I thought they would be when I came up with the outline... whoops. No scenes are being added, it's just longer than I anticipated. I am close to finishing  chapter 17, but I think I won't post it until I also finish chapter 18, which still needs work so that'll be a while. Once they're done, I will be posting them one week apart so there isn't too long of a cliffhanger between the final scenes, since I think with how chapter 17 is, it would feel mean to leave people hanging for long. 
          That's what I wanted to say, thanks for reading this, as well as my story. I hope people enjoy the backstory's ending, the pressure is on. See you when I post chapter 17 


Important announcement! Two things; one, I'd hate to say this, but I needed to make a very small retcon. I originally had Milo and Kari start the plot in their sophomore year, 15/16 years old, and then in chapter 15 they enter their junior year. Due to reasons that'll spoil what happens in the final chapter, I need to change that to 16/17, junior year, and then begin senior year in chapter 15. Again this is embarrassing to do, but it's necessary. It's my fault, I should've thought it through better!
          The other thing; I said before there will be 16 chapters of the backstory. There will actually be 17. (And 16 is coming very soon! Hopefully in a few days.)


Chapter 14 at last! Sorry about the wait. If things go as planned there are only two chapters to the backstory left. Anyway I have a few (more) things to announce and they're pretty important.
          Well I guess first, I should bring attention to the fact that I quietly added in some new stuff in earlier chapters of varying importance. Of least importance I guess is I reworded and fleshed out some stuff in the first two chapters because I wasn't happy with them. Most importantly though, Kari now reveals the state she used to live in. I meant to have that since the beginning but I was having trouble deciding it.
          Second, a... confession. I might be worrying too much but it's bothering me and I feel bad that I didn't make it clear from the get-go. As my profile says, I am aroace. I have made it clear that Kari and Milo are asexual. But what I was not clear about is that they're also aromantic too. They're (going to be) queer-platonic partners. But I forgot to give SR those tags when I initially posted it. Every time someone wrote a comment about them falling in love I felt really bad because you of course meant it in the romance way, not knowing the truth. It made me hesitate to add those tags. I finally did now and I'm sorry for not earlier. I can assure though, they love each other very, very much even if it isn't romance. It does however have traditionally 'romance' story tropes namely mutual pining and slow-burn. Just... platonic love. Aro edition I guess.
          Lastly I guess I want opinions. Should the backstory be marked as Mature? I mean, I personally think it's borderline because while it doesn't contain 'sexual content', it discusses it passively and also contains other mature sorts of themes namely Milo's tragic backstory and what he deals with. The problem is that Wattpad has no in-between rating. On ao3, which I also post it to, I rated it T which is perfect. I don't want to be reported for not marking it mature (idk how it works). What do you guys think?


Dang character limit. Thanks for reading all that if you did, and know that I appreciate everyone enjoying my work


Hey, it's been a while since I uploaded a new chapter. I'm having writer's block but I'll get through it. Also I've been playing video games a lot too. Anyway I have a couple plans I want to announce. So first I'm thinking to maybe upload a "book" that'll just be a collection of art. I've seen people do that, upload a "book" that's just a piece of art every chapter. I have, uh, lots of drawings of Milo and Kari. I could show you guys the first drawings I ever made of them, concept art for the backstory, and maybe even some of the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) drawings I've done. 
          My other plan, this'll definitely be later. I think it would be interesting to write the backstory from Milo's POV. I wrote a small part as a test, taking place during the equivalent of "chapter 3 - Apple Fritters", and it was very fun. Don't expect it anytime soon, it'll be a bonus thing. I want to at least be uploading part 2 first. Part 2's when ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) stuff begins so as you can imagine, I want to get to that stuff asap lol. 
          Anyway those are my plans. I'll try to finish the next chapter soon, I've made progress with the block.


@fayfay_27_part2 spoilers: Milo is thicc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


@rosaceaeprunus oooh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)