
Hey! Just curious, about how many words do your chapters tend to have? I'm trying to write my own story, but I think I've chopped my chapters too small.


No problem! Thank you! It means a lot to me to hear feedback that people are enjoying what I’m doing, and honestly inspires me to write more. Maybe soon! :) 


@sammys2020 okay cool. Thanks! 
            I hope you have some inspiration, soon. I really enjoy your writing, and how clean it is. 


I think I usually try to get about 1,000 words a chapter. I can’t remember because unfortunately I haven’t really had the time or inspiration to write for a year or so! But I’m pretty sure I would aim for between 1,000-2,000 words a chapter. 


I love the book  The Healing Ranch i cry alot true the book it was so inspiring how megan could no longer use her legs she never gave up on  her life no matter what others think . I believe these are books that should be written to show even if you have a disability your life isnt done until you give up.


Thank you so much! Your feedback means a lot to me!  I totally agree with you, and I believe that through perseverance and a good attitude everything is possible but as soon as you give up nothing can be accomplished. 