
Hey guys, 
          I have an important announcement about the butterfly awards. 
          It's been almost a year since I published the awards. The OT7, JJK, KTH, PJM categories immediately filled in and the results are also done. 
          But for the hyung line categories, there are no participants at all, so I am thinking that I'll judge the books that are already in the competition and give prizes. They have been waiting already for a long time so it's time to give what they deserve. 
          I'll start releasing results immediately after judging the books. There are not much so I'll try to be quick.
          Thank you 


OMG GUYSS it's been so many days. I am sorry that I am not in contact that much but I am really busy and I have no time at all. But
          I came here to tell that JIMIN CATEGORY RESULTS are declared and I am about to post them asap. 
          All the best bestiessss!