
If you missed it (and because I was out when it posted lol)—
          	Sweet Talkers is officially finished!
          	You can read the final chapter here: . If you were one of those waiting for it to finish, I hope you enjoy it lol. Nevertheless End Credits is here and my hand has patted myself on the back for it 
          	Next up— Con Theory 


If you missed it (and because I was out when it posted lol)—
          Sweet Talkers is officially finished!
          You can read the final chapter here: . If you were one of those waiting for it to finish, I hope you enjoy it lol. Nevertheless End Credits is here and my hand has patted myself on the back for it 
          Next up— Con Theory 


          If you guys are following me up on my other socmeds (which I highly encourage to do so, as I am more active there about behind the scene stuff), ongoing stories (Sweet Talkers & Con Theory) are being updated soon.
          Here's the full breakdown on schedules, reasons & comebacks, and the like:
          On par with such, TCT 39 has a freshly edited chapter that you can check out now! This is also good for those who have forgotten the plot lol.
          It's the definition of 'been a while', but hi, yes. I'm back, I'm writing, and I've finished a chapter or two of a story or two. I can't wait to get back into things. If you're still here, thank you for being the epitome of patience and care. Thank you also to those who have wished well and have held my hand through the months of my hiatus. It has been a blessing.
          Now, I can't wait to go back to creating with you all.
          How have you been?
          Snick x


@snickerous you've been dearly missed! 


Alright, here's a long overdue PSA.
          As you may have noticed, I haven't been online, updating or otherwise. For the past few months, writing has been extremely draining for me, and the lack of interaction with either work has been disheartening to say the least. Writing became very conditional, and I hate when that happens because nothing I produce by that point actually works. It takes longer to finish each chapter, and it's a momentarily relief until I have to panic again to deliver another update by next week or so. I hate that.
          It's starting to affect my mental faculties (again, like two years back when I took almost a seven month exile lmao), so around September, I've decided to go on hiatus for the time being. I am so sorry for those waiting for me to update, but I don't trust myself to finish these stories with justice and I can't do that to myself.
          Whilst on this self imposed exile, I will be writing offline for the time being on my own terms and without the mental stressor of this place— or most social media for the matter — and post them up once they're all done.
          Again, I am so sorry, but not being online for the past month has given me space to breathed and have definitely improved my mental state. Don't worry, I will come back, I just don't know when. I'm prioritising myself for the time being and writing leisurely— explicitly seeing wonderful improvements in my writing for the matter, and will post finished books once I do.
          Thank you and I hope you have better days as well.


@snickerous it's essential to maintain a healthy balance between being a writer and being you. don't be too hard on yourself, and remember that every update brings your story closer to its best version. i hope your break from wattpad gifts you with new perspectives and motivation. keep the passion for your story alive, and the burden will gradually ease. i'll miss you ♡♡ :(


Hi so. . . I  have no excuse, this week has been a harried mess of busy. And I don't have stock chapters so. . . no updates for the week. Sorry! I'll update by next week though as I can't promise to do over the weekend since I still have things to do by then shshs. My apologies, everyone.


hi! will you be updating ST today?


it’s no problem! take your time :)


@bigbuttdino Sorry for the late reply, probably not! But the next update is still ST. It's my priority for the next week. Sorry!


Newest TCT chapter— PAPER FAMILY — is now live!

          This lowkey reminds me of finishing GMSF when everything is happening all at once and everyone is just overwhelmed... I wonder if you've figured what's going to happen yet...
          For those who missed it as well, ST EP23 was up earlier in the week:
          Month of August is as much consistency as possible, so expect an update on MON for ST and FRI for TCT ;-)


PSA ೃ⁀➷
          + Episode 23 of Sweet Talkers is live! I could say a lot about it, but it's also really just one of my favourite chapters to have written in the book. I told ya'll I was going to get back into the schedule ;-)
          + Not a while ago, I also just updated 22 for those who've missed it:
          + and TCT was just updated last Friday, again, right on schedule, I dunno who I am anymore lol:
          Interaction is best, especially as we're nearing the end on both books :-) Hope ya'll have a great week ahead!


New TCT chapter will be up in a couple of hours! The end is in sight, but are you ready for the last plot twist?
          Gentle note that I post spoilers, excerpts, shitposts (primarily) on other socmeds! @/snickwrites on Twitter (yes, twitter not X. The only thing I'll ever deadname), IG and Tumblr!