"I'm past patiently waiting, I'm passionately smashing every expectation, every action's an act of creation." - Lin Manuel Miranda
Yo. I'm Sophie (Not Sophia). OCSA CW Class of 2020. I'm here now so tolerate me.
The writer who sometimes writes things. Mentally 7 years old. Musical Theatre enthusiast. I got into writing school so I'm not completely terrible. Strangely obsessed with Alexander Hamilton. Secretly a Disney villain. Proud Slytherclaw. Sometimes I'm awkward so deal with it.
So yeah, that's me. Follow me or whatever.
  • The Internet
  • انضمMarch 1, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
sophienotsophia sophienotsophia Sep 25, 2016 02:04AM
If anyone was wondering, my patronus is a squirrel, and i choose to believe it is Becky coming back to protect me from evil. #inlovingmemoryofbeckythesquirrel
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصة بقلم Sophie Louise Short
Story of My Life بقلم sophienotsophia
Story of My Life
Are you bored? Do you need some excitement in your reading? Do you have a sudden urge to read something that...
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