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go read my shit love you xox


the full dream catchers manuscript is now up on swoonreads!! if you want to, you can go check it out, leave a comment or whatnot, i'd really appreciate it! :-) if you don't want to, that's fine, but i mean... i update like rarely.... and you can read the WHOLE thing right now... isn't that tempting?


Wowww i’m so excited!! One of my favourites ahh i’ll check it out when i get home 


scene two of the dream catchers is up!!!!!!! !!!!! took me so long despite the fact that not that much has changed in this second version because i decided that i didn't like the plot changes that i made so yeah whoop there it is go read it!!! and vote!! and leave comments bc i love comments they make my day


so once again i am rewriting the pandemonium series. this has become like an annual ritual lmao. i promise it's a lot better now. i took some time to develop my characters,  especially phelan. his whole storyline i thought was a bit confusing and -dare i say it- cringey so i changed him and his relationship with cassie. i probably will be making some major name changes too so sorry in advance; it's gonna get hella difficult for y'all. my novels are slowly becoming exactly what i had wanted them to be since the very first draft four years ago. hope anyone is still reading my books lmao. expect major updates soon :-) smell y'all later


Fun fact: I found your first 'Dreamcarchers' book (when it had the title 'Frost's bute') on a forum with help writing kiss scenes.
          BONUS: It was Cass and Phelan's kiss, which actually helped me out a bunch  Searches for a while before finding on wattpad)