
Q&A |
          	Please post your questions here and they will be answered here!


I have 12 fun questions so get ready: 
          1. Cliché question but what inspired you to write this story? 
          2. Which Sanrio character do you collaborate with y/n? 
          3. What did astra do during his time when he took over y/n body? (Besides kissing lance) 
          4. How powerful is y/n now that she is pared with astra? 
          5. Have y/n ever wanted to snuggle/hug Lancelot fox form sin? 
          6. Since lance hates to lose what is one thing that y/n can beat him at? 
          7. Do a small trivia about y/n. 
          8. Out of meliodas, king, and Ban who is most likely to let little girl y/n (6-8) dress up/ put tiara or cute animal headbands on, do make up on, paint their nails and put cute stickers on them?    * I cut out gowther cause we all know he would definitely do all these things for his little princess 
          9. Was Lancelot marking his territory on y/n without him even noticing it?
          10. What did drunk y/n say that Lancelot would use as blackmail? 
          11. What type of music do you like to listen to? 
          12. Is astra enjoying himself after the makeover the y/n did in his Star domain?
          Thank you for taking your time answering my question and I apologized if this was overwhelming. 


@Hoopsandyoyo1220 hate to admit but you’re right! I won’t be spoiling anymore though lol, il just have to find a twist that you don’t expect . 
            And I’m so sorry about mistaking question 11! I listen to a variety of artists but as of currently I’m into Chappell Roan I know everyone says this but I do listen to everything such as Protomartyr, Tyler the Creator, clario, Deftones, Destiny’s Child etc. I have been a Laufey fan since late 2021! 
            I’m happy with as many questions as you please I enjoy getting questions because my books are pretty read between the lines to get it hahah


For your answer to #4: oh that makes sense now. I understand why Arthur wanted y/n as his 2nd wife because he basically see her as an Merlin 2.0
            For answer #11: that question was for you not y/n but that’s okay lol
            Thank you once again for answering my questions. I might come back to ask more but I’ll wait n see 


6, With Lance being the most competitive person besides his father, I say when it comes to being with animals, Lance always scares them away but you are just a Snow White with them! Other than that Lance always wins. (You let him though)
            7, y/n is just whoever the reader such as Oh want her to be! I didn’t put much thought besides she was a witch and hates Lancelot. Though if she were to be an OC of some type I’d say she likes reading, and spicy food, if she were to drink she’d have sweet alcohol and if she were a song she would be Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter in Lanclot's perspective! 
            8, 100% Meliodas and Ban would tag team having to dress up little y/n. they both don’t have daughters and for Meliodas, no nieces or nephews. Ban on the other hand liked taking the piss out of Lancelot and also wanted to have another child Elaine said one would be enough! 
            9, in a way, yes! His signs will become clear through the story but with especially Tristan he’s able to tell what’s going on, other than that no man would dare to touch you for being a witch. 
            10, oh drunk y/n is a whole other story. Babbling off her head, saying things she wouldn’t have said out loud, as the saying goes drunk words are sober thoughts. Some along the lines are “What if we gathered together a bunch of kids to fight Arthur for us?”, “this one time as kids, I had to kiss you while we were sleeping as a prank!” , “Can you turn into your fox form so I can use you as a pillow?”.
            11, well again y/n is you but if going of OCS and modern music I say she is into Lauryn Hill, SZA, and heavily on the Boyfriend by Ariana Grande ft social house! 
            12, Astra is very much so enjoying it lol, a comfy bed, and books to read he’s having the time of his life! (2/2


I just have two say: 
          I want to say thank you for writing “greedy”, I am very happy to find this book. I look forward to your work and also take your time because I know how stressful life can get. 
          Last thing, I have one small question and that would be it:  In “greedy” is y/n the fifth knight of the knight apocalypse or no? 


@starryukiyo it’s okay,  thank you for answering my question and get well soon ☺️


Hello I’m so sorry I didn’t get your message my sincerest apologies, also if you have any questions furthermore I will be happy to answer them. Also, yes you are right. Y/n is not one of the knights, just a humble witch in this new era.


Welp that answer my 2nd question, alrighty have a good day 