
y'all sometimes i think i like to make things more difficult for myself... so I added June as a character to Breathe because I wanted to create some sort of conflict for Andie in eclipse so it wasn't so boring, but now i'm realizing i could've just done it with Seth Clearwater, because not only would that squash any suspicion of romance between the characters, but I just love Seth as a character. 
          	what do you guys think? should I change things around? atp i've kinda just decided that the book is going to change and flow how I want it to because it is a WORK IN PROGRESS and NOT FINISHED so not everything is set in stone but I want the opinion of the readers first.


How is it going? any update or news soon?


@lolabola262 loved the idea of either Seth or June, hope you update soon cause i love the book :)


y'all sometimes i think i like to make things more difficult for myself... so I added June as a character to Breathe because I wanted to create some sort of conflict for Andie in eclipse so it wasn't so boring, but now i'm realizing i could've just done it with Seth Clearwater, because not only would that squash any suspicion of romance between the characters, but I just love Seth as a character. 
          what do you guys think? should I change things around? atp i've kinda just decided that the book is going to change and flow how I want it to because it is a WORK IN PROGRESS and NOT FINISHED so not everything is set in stone but I want the opinion of the readers first.


How is it going? any update or news soon?


@lolabola262 loved the idea of either Seth or June, hope you update soon cause i love the book :)


hey guys!
          so I decided to combine all of the delicate series books into one, and that will be on hold as I work on breathe and another story that will be out soon! i hope you guys vote on those chapters, bc combining the books will lose me all the old votes :/
          I hope you guys don't mind!
          - Lola