
new flower power chapter out now! sorry i missed wednesday, i've had a crazy week at work. enjoy!


new flower power chapter out now! this is the last of part two (sea of monsters). i'm going to take a bit of a break before going into the titan's curse because i'm in the heat of finals right now, but it should only be a week or two at the max. hope y'all like this one!


@sun_jaro34 Good luck on finals lovely! 


so like i took down flower power for a little and i'm changing it a little bit. aster reed is now the main character cause i just wasn't vibing with what i originally wrote. i feel like y'all will like her a lot better than aj, but we'll see. please don't be mad at me


@sun_jaro34 Personally, I really did enjoy AJ but completely understand disconnecting with an OC. I'm sure I'll love Aster! :) 


hey everyone, sorry i've been so MIA for the last few months. i didn't mean to disappear without warning, but i want to explain myself now in case you are still following along with my books. 
          i struggle with both clinical depression and anxiety, and it's been flaring up in the past few months. therapy has been helping, but it's hard. i'm in my senior year of high school with a tough social life and many AP classes, so it's hard to deal with that and write at the same time. 
          writing is still my passion, but i had to take a break for a while. i'm not sure when i'll be back, but i'm hoping it's soon. writer's block has been a bitch along with the depressive episodes, so it might take some time. 
          thanks for all the support on the fics, and i love you all <3


@sun_jaro34 take whatever time you need! Enjoy your Senior year! 