
HI!! Guess who updated their book covers that have been the same since, like, 2018?! This bitch!!!
          	I tried giving ROTG & BTR a facelift, but it’s kinda giving… typical YA book cover. Although, I guess that is what’s trending right now? *insert shrug emoji here*
          	I am going to see how these new covers fare with my audience, and if people don’t like them as much as the OG’s, I will revert them! But for now, I am enjoying a little color on the profile!


I like the old covers better ngl 


HI!! Guess who updated their book covers that have been the same since, like, 2018?! This bitch!!!
          I tried giving ROTG & BTR a facelift, but it’s kinda giving… typical YA book cover. Although, I guess that is what’s trending right now? *insert shrug emoji here*
          I am going to see how these new covers fare with my audience, and if people don’t like them as much as the OG’s, I will revert them! But for now, I am enjoying a little color on the profile!


I like the old covers better ngl 


          Y’all have probably been asking yourselves lately, “Man, where in the hell did tangled dreams go?? She’s really going to drop a few banger stories on us, then run????”
          Nah… I just found myself in a toxic relationship that stripped me away from my morals, values, and even my own friends and family for over a year. LMAO. (Seriously, my ex makes Griffin seem like a doll and that’s saying something #iykyk)
          I finally ended things a few months ago, and it has taken a little bit of time to heal and work on myself but WE ARE BACK BETTER THAN EVER BABY!!!!
          Isn’t it funny how getting yourself out of the most ridiculous, controlling, manipulative relationship will suddenly give you your passion and creativity back?? HAHAHA 
          I’m soooo happy to report that as of today, I am working on STMH again!! <3 I won’t promise anything, however I’m really hoping to get back on a regular posting schedule SOON!!!
          I hope that you are all doing well friends!! Mwah, mwah!!! <333


@BomPomm that is exactly where we’re at, lol!! I’ve taken some time to heal, breath, and figure out my next steps… but now that everything has settled, I’m totally trauma dumping on this new story  And, thank you for the warm welcome back!


Welcome back! If you’re anything like me then the trauma will fuel some excellent writing! 


this message may be offensive
Me: “Alright guys, I’m going to release a new chapter for a new story soon!! Get excited!!”
          Also me:  terrible kidney infection that puts me in the hospital for a night  work gets 10x harder when a really important application that I’m in charge of crashes  gone on an essential week long work trip 
          I wish that I was making this shit up, but I’m not LMAO. Thankfully I’m doing much better and everything is beginning to get resolved, however I’ve been shaken out of my “writing headspace” so I’m trying to find that foothold again.
          Hopefully I’ll get a Skate Through My Heart chapter out soon…  much love!! xoxo


Hi folks! I’m here with an update on my stories!
          “Let The Sky Fall” is turning out to be a bigger monster than I thought, so that story will likely be on the back burner while I focus on this new one.
          “Skate Through My Heart” is reminding me a lot of how I felt writing “Rules Of The Game”… the plot is coming to me quickly, I already adore the characters, and I’m itching to get it released!
          I’ve got 50% of the plot planned, and tonight I started writing the prologue!! Whoop whoop!
          I’m 180 words in, and I’m hoping to have the first chapter released by the end of the week. But man, it feels good to be writing again!! Keep your eyes peeled for this new story!!


I’ve got to say, one of my favorite things about having books that have been released for a while is reading the absolute RANGE of emotions in the comments as readers progress through the story… y’all keep me humble, giggling, blushing, and motivated!!
          Keep being the best fans ever, you are all fantastic ❤️


Happy Holidays my friends! I’m dropping in with an update on my cowgirl story, “Let The Sky Fall”, and my tentative writing plan for 2024.
          I’ve had a few “lightbulb” moments lately with LTSF, but unfortunately the moments are things that totally uproot the outline that I originally wrote for the story  I plan on going back to the drawing board to replan and rewrite the chapters.
          As I’m sure other writers can understand, it’s simultaneously a shitty yet great feeling knowing that you can polish your story to make it better… at the expense of trashing all of the progress previously made. Lol.
          I truly miss writing and interacting with my friends & fans on here, so I’m making a New Years Resolution to try and get a few chapters out per month in 2024.
          Otherwise, I’ve been doing great, and I hope that everyone else is as well! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and happy holidays to those who don’t! Have a great week, friends!


I just finished BTR and oh my God.... A roller coaster of emotions I tell you.. I love love lovveee the series and your authors note just spoke to me ❤❤....please be healthy and stay safe and keep writing stories jebal


@Maggiemugera I am wishing you more ideas and further heights.... 


HI THANK YOU SO MUCH ILY ❤️❤️❤️ It’s the folks like you who I wrote the story for—I really appreciate your kind words and feelings toward the books!! I’m wishing you well ❤️!


Howdy my friends!! <3
          I know that I promised to return after the New Year, but life loves to throw me curveballs!! Work is picking back up, I somehow managed to get myself into a relationship, & I’m using my free time to prepare a major fundraising event that’s happening in my community the first week of February.
          Not to mention, I took down CDC for the time being to rework a few small (but crucial) parts of the story, soooo I’m certainly one busy beaver over here!
          I apologize for my absence, but unfortunately real life has to take precedence over my online life :,)  I genuinely hope that everyone is doing well, and I hope to be back soon! <3


tysm, I appreciate you SO MUCH!! ❤️


@tangled-dreams don't apologise for not posting, it sounds like you're absolutely killing it! congrats on the dating and best of luck for the fundraiser - can't wait for more Taylor content soon, too ;))