
Thanks so much everyone!  


It’s so annoying when your family thinks they pay attention to you when they really don’t. 
          My mom when she talks to me all she does is rant about my sister and her boyfriend, and my sister and her boyfriend only ever talk about themselves, and my only real friend that I see has gone away for a summer internship. 
          I’m very alone. 
          My mom says I need to learn to listen to others talk and it’s not always about me but I am always the one listening. I never get to talk about what I want to. I want someone to take interest in me. And yet when I try to visit with my online friends my mom yells at me for always being on my phone. 
          I’d be on here more if not for that, seriously.  
          I’m sick of being the responsible, listening, unselfish, obedient one. It’s never done anything for me. I’m ready to completely snap and give up on God because I am tired of waiting for Him to heal my family. I don’t want to, believe me, but I’m so sick of being disappointed. I’m scared to trust anyone anymore, and think no one really wants me. 
          Sorry for ranting but I don’t know who else to say this too. It’s safer to say it to strangers on the internet. 
          Would appreciate prayers and encouragement 


@tearsofroses1 of course! You're welcome ^^ and I understand, but just keep praying (ooh that reminded me of a song ill try find it its a rlly good song)


@tearsofroses1 I get you cos mine's worse but just know that we're here for you. Plus God is that one friend that can never disappoint you
            I know cos even though Im giving Him space currently I still sometimes catch myself letting out words of prayer and He comes through for me.
            I know that He'll come through for you but we don't know when till then just keep breathing and praying
            God loves you
            We love you
            Never forget that 


Do u publish on Neobook?


@tearsofroses1 this message is a scam, just a heads up!


Just so everyone knows the gc on Discord is now girls only just for safety reasons so you will get kicked if a guy. 
          But for any of the Christian dudes please still feel free to interact on the conversation board. 


@tearsofroses1 Sorry please what's discord 


@AngelLawrence262 Sure what’s your discord 


Hey! So sorry to leave the gc i didn’t mean to leave to be rude…i think you understand why i left haha but u can add my discord again separately! 


@adorableink yeah it’s just a girl chat now so please rejoin if you feel comfortable 


@tearsofroses1 you can do what you feel is best for the chat, yet yeah lowkey i expected it to just be a girls chat xD nothing against anybody at all but yeah lolll