
Imagine a sorry where Jaune's kicked put and moves on.
          	The Huntsman manage to beat Salem but loses thier aura cause there no need for it. 
          	The arc clan, Team Rwby, Anpr (led by jaunes sister alex) and the tedt of the Huntsman have no further career paths.
          	The council all bail on them bot caring now that they aren't needed.
          	Then the arc clan and the rest of the jaunes bullies see jaunes successful a billionaire, he make dust-tube videos of gameplay of ark survival or something while they are durst poor the vattle destroyed thier Bank account and property.
          	Also are bankrupted cause Jaune's company introduced electrical energy so weiss can't help them and Jackass went broke when Atlas sized his properties


@Haseo55 true but it would be a good way to stuck to the Arc Clan maybe basically showing he never needed them


@ theone799  Mm he doesn't need to be rich and famous. Just moved on with his life and be happy.


@ theone799  Well. One thing that could be done is having a multiversecreaction but unlike most version of this bring the bottom if the barrel version of the charactets.(Even the watcher in charge comenting on this).
          Instead of showing worlds wich they just replace the original  characters so they can be with Jaune. They see diferent versions of their specific Jaune in adventures an actually be a hero and well finding better options(this is personsl but im tired of him always being shipped with only the rwbyverse even when he is already with better options)


Imagine a sorry where Jaune's kicked put and moves on.
          The Huntsman manage to beat Salem but loses thier aura cause there no need for it. 
          The arc clan, Team Rwby, Anpr (led by jaunes sister alex) and the tedt of the Huntsman have no further career paths.
          The council all bail on them bot caring now that they aren't needed.
          Then the arc clan and the rest of the jaunes bullies see jaunes successful a billionaire, he make dust-tube videos of gameplay of ark survival or something while they are durst poor the vattle destroyed thier Bank account and property.
          Also are bankrupted cause Jaune's company introduced electrical energy so weiss can't help them and Jackass went broke when Atlas sized his properties


@Haseo55 true but it would be a good way to stuck to the Arc Clan maybe basically showing he never needed them


@ theone799  Mm he doesn't need to be rich and famous. Just moved on with his life and be happy.


Are you going to be continuing with this story:
          If you are, can you PLEASE update it as soon as you possibly can, if you ever get the chance to?


@LIghtNovelsReader I know that. I didn't mean it like that.


Be careful and are read the new changes wattpad are gonna do on the 15th


@Tatsu_yato yeah and now they disable private conversations?! OO


@Tatsu_yato basically any violence or underage s*x 


          Why are all Jaune fics crying the others. I can understand using the Arc Clan that's inspiration but all the fics now start with Jaune getting arrested over transcripts which is kind of dumb if you think about.
          Some people have tue Arc clan orchestrate this but then woudjt they have known Jaune was in Beacon before it was publicly exposed and sent the Cronus or someone to take care of him.


@theone799 personnally, I read not much RWBY fanfics, I tend to avoid any betrayed/abused Jaube story


          Avengers watching Black Widow is probably the worst type of Avengers reaction fiction I've seen. The Black Widow movie is terrible. I can't think of any reason why anyone would want to glorify Natasha Romanoff one of the most boring character up there with Captain America apart from the fact Scarlet Johanson is hot.
          This also applies to captain america, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, 


Here's a little rant.
          Never understood why people make What if or fanfiction for Issei. He's like such a bland character that authors have character assassinate other characters mainly the girls or just becomes broken with no story changes.
          Plus in cannon. He has a easy life. Gets a harem, Gets power handed down to him on silver platter and basically becomes rich.
          When compared to Naruto who like obito and naruto himself said could have become evil if it wasn't for his will power and ashura influence.
           If naruto becomes op the story changes heavily he won't be with the same team 7 because its always dead last, rookie and kunoichi of the year. Being born woth certain powers loek rinnegan can change his destiny.
          Like there are characters made for what ifs like.
          Then ther are people like issei who are just made for ships or self insert.
          I'm sorry for those who read my book but I probably won't continue issei fics because other than the first chapter I don't have motivation to complete 


@theone799 it’s ok if you don’t want continue. what are yours plans? write others fandoms?