
Okie hai! Saur, I'm writing a fanfic... And I would like your advice as my adopted Wattpad guardian, and most admired author of FFs (No I'm not buttering you up, I'm being genuine). I'm writing an OC x SKZ FF, and was wondering about a major detail: I'm trying to write her as cute and clumsy, but also smart and quick-witted. But a lot of the more detailed scenes are from my own experience so I'm hoping it won't be too dark. I'm also trying to equally balance out her interactions with each member, and figure out her dynamics. Another thing is her relationship with her parents. She has three, living in a throuple relationship, two omegas, and one alpha. The Alpha is her dad, and the omegas are her mom and Dam. But I'm confused. I originally made it so that the relationship between OC (Hyunjoo) and her dam is tense, so her relationship with her mom is stronger. But I find Hyunjoo's interactions with him are stronger, while the other two parents are just...there.   Could you kinda be my alpha/beta reader? (Also trying to make Hyunjoo nice, and not pick me so any readers won't complain)


@Minholythighs22 you're welcome hun❤️ remember I'm always here to help. Stay safe too 


@tian_gigi  That helps so much thank you! And ily too Author-nim!❤️ Stay healthy and drink water!


@Minholythighs22 I'd gladly be there to help on the way sweetie. But in my own opinion Hyunjoo's relationship will most likely be determined by her wolf gender and her character. If she's a person with anger issues she might want to be with her omega moms because their pheromones calm her down but if she's a cute little beta then she might want to look up to her father more but still maintain decent relationships with her moms on the other side. If she's cute, clumsy and yet smart like you said you might want to make her a stubborn omega that is breaking protocols and norms in the pack or home in general until she finds someone who accepts her for being her. I don't know if that made sense but remember I'm always here to help. Love you ❤️


Mother/Father I require substance I keep rereading this because A it's so good, B, no other stories are as good,  And C I can't help but stare at the "Last updated: [Insert Days]" for hours while listening to Winter Falls on loop. But yk, just letting you know how good it is.I think I'm addicted-I've never done this for a book before lol Remember you're awesome, amazing, and beautiful. Make sure to stay safe, and healthy, and drink water. 


@Minholythighs22 aww thanks for your message hun. It means a lot to me and I treasure it so much. I was still held up but I posted now and as usual Wattpad deleted some of my story parts. It's a struggle... but for you my little titans I would do everything.
            And know that I love you so much too.


The thing doesn't le me post emojis, but all you need to know is I purple you 




@ImJiniret I'm from Botswana. It's a very small country in Africa. What about you?


@tian_gigi where are you ftom???


@ImJiniret your name is so cool :)