
Quitting Wattpad writing forever bc I’m too busy and it’s taking a toll on my other content creating activities. I’ll probably post chapters on google docs instead. Thanks for the memories everyone <3


Hi GOTM will be going on a hiatus as I’m travelling and don’t have the physical copy of the book with me. However, I have the soft copy of ADPC and Amaze so I can update it as per normal! 
          Btw Anchor is finally working since I figured how to update apps on my iPad with school restrictions so I’m finally updating it again!  


A few announcements: 
          1. Starting today, I will go under the name Crystal. Please call me by this name from now on 
          2. Officially off hiatus because exams ended 
          3. Can’t continue the Amaze Holding Room as I can’t update it due to school restrictions. (I manage it on a school device and it can’t update) Hence, I’m replacing it to an animated series on YouTube. Will post more when the time comes 


2 announcements:
          1. Changed my profile picture to spooky themed since Halloween is around the corner
          2. I will not be posting anything from today until 11 October due to exams. I will read stuff here here are there but don’t expect any new chapters from me. As for now, js indulge in the first 10 chapters of Accepting Diversity Precure, 7 chapters of Health Wars and 37 chapters of Amaze