
probably (maybe) shutting down my profile since the glory days are done here, so if you want to read anything one more time or follow me on other socials better act fast girlies!! it's been a really wonderful time here and it really was the best of times, and thank you to all my friends and fellow readers here!! love you all and hopefully we'll meet again (hopefully when I'm a published romance writer!!)
          	other places to find me: 
          	my writing twitter: https://twitter.com/taylarhazel
          	AO3 (i've got folklore there): https://archiveofourown.org/users/tinkertaydust
          	my writing insta: https://www.instagram.com/taylarhazel/


@tinkertaydust do you know when you are deleting? i’m going to try and get through the whole series one last time, just want to know if it’s possible lol. your books were there for me when i was going through a lot and they really made my day. i’m sad to see them go, but glad i have one last opportunity to read it again. maybe make your pen name flo, if you keep writing as beautifully as this, i definitely want to be able to look you up and read any and all of your future work! i hope the best for you! i know you can do anything if you can make 7 million people love your work already :) 


@pewlirose2 unfortunately no, so better read quickly haha I’m sure Flo will find herself in my novels again one day in spirit 


will we be able to find your peter parker stories elsewhere?


Hey are you the writer of the weight of the world? I was wondering did you take it down? I had to do a whole search on tiktok to find your profile because I forgot your username.


@Charlotte055  Also Ive just read back on the conversation wall and aparently they have been planning to remove theyre books. The timing couldnt have been any more worse for us.


@Charlotte055 Yeah I just finished the first book and I was looking for their account for the second book because the first book disappeared from my reading list.


I just did that too. Was halfway through and suddenly it stopped loading


not even kidding: thought about ur tony stark fics today (read them forever ago), logged onto wp after a year and ur leaving. miss u, will see u on ao3 <3 glory days r def gone, and i've found myself gravitating towards ao3 recently as well. thank you for what you've done for this platform :)


@-S0MEONEELSE- thank you for reading!!!! <3 <3 <3


Hello, although I haven’t been on Wattpad for a while, I want to say you are an amazing writer and you inspire me to get better in my writing! It sucks that Wattpad has changed, (and it’s not for the better DX). 


@tinkertaydust no problem! When I get home I’ll follow you on Archive of Our Own! I have one as well! 


@FyrByrrd girlie you're the best <3 thank you for always being here!!


Everyone has there glory days even i did yet im still here


this message may be offensive
Can’t you just „leave“ this account so we can still read them  gurl you’re amazing and I respect it if it’s to much San shit but please PLEASE leave your acc your writing is soo good 


@tommydragon101 hahah I meant the glory days of this website!! it's not what it used to be sadly and that evident with them removing the ability to message friends and when the ripped out the MDC a while back


probably (maybe) shutting down my profile since the glory days are done here, so if you want to read anything one more time or follow me on other socials better act fast girlies!! it's been a really wonderful time here and it really was the best of times, and thank you to all my friends and fellow readers here!! love you all and hopefully we'll meet again (hopefully when I'm a published romance writer!!)
          other places to find me: 
          my writing twitter: https://twitter.com/taylarhazel
          AO3 (i've got folklore there): https://archiveofourown.org/users/tinkertaydust
          my writing insta: https://www.instagram.com/taylarhazel/


@tinkertaydust do you know when you are deleting? i’m going to try and get through the whole series one last time, just want to know if it’s possible lol. your books were there for me when i was going through a lot and they really made my day. i’m sad to see them go, but glad i have one last opportunity to read it again. maybe make your pen name flo, if you keep writing as beautifully as this, i definitely want to be able to look you up and read any and all of your future work! i hope the best for you! i know you can do anything if you can make 7 million people love your work already :) 


@pewlirose2 unfortunately no, so better read quickly haha I’m sure Flo will find herself in my novels again one day in spirit 


will we be able to find your peter parker stories elsewhere?


I'm going to have to read all your books, because I've just started reading "Forgotten Ghost" and I'm hooked. I love your writing style


@tinkertaydust Oop, Got em wrong T-T Still going to read your stories tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@AnyonesCumslut  hahaha bless ur heart!! forgotten ghost isn't written by me girlie