
Another chapter posted of Collateral Damage! Can Lillian shake off those Americans?


I love that feeling you get when you don't remember that you're reading. When you're so captured by a book that you forget you're reading the words. All you see is the descriptions and conversations that play out like a movie in your head. You don't even think about it. Then before you know it, you've read 100 pages without realising it. That's probably the best feeling in the world
          - unknown


After 2 years! I've finally reached 50 followers! I'm actually really proud ^^ I know it's not a massive number, but I can't help it! I've worked really hard on Wattpad and continue too and ahhhhh okay I'll finish this message when I'm less excited
          Thank you everyone =D


Question: Will you ever unpublish your Hiddleswift fanfictions?
          Answer: No, those cringy stories are where I started on Wattpad, my roots. My writing isn't perfect, but I'll always honour where I came from. Unless Wattpad has a limit on stories (in which case I'll move them to another account) then I'll never unpublish them