

currently editing the next chapter of mtaf <3
          you’ll hopefully have it by tonight or tomorrow afternoon at the lastest!!


FINALS R OVER!! i just need to submit my thesis on saturday then have my discussion on tuesday and that’s it for the uni experience :’)


listen, i know i’m so on and off with my consistency lately but i’ve literally only got three more weeks of uni left and then i’m a GRADUATE so pls pls bear with me while i finish my thesis and then i’ll literally have all the time in the world to write!! 


EXPOSING MY DRAFTS!! (and letting u guys pick ur favorites bcuz there’s a lot!!):
          • pierre and lando books for the loves formula series, the first one remains nameless ngl but the lando book will be named saccharine 
          • devils advocate - matt murdock 
          based on the netflix show daredevil with tie ins to the mcu (namely the black widows)
          • another DR3 book but this time it’s a childhood friends to lovers kinda thing (not related to the rest of the series)
          • philozoic - prince caspian
          this one has been collecting dust for possibly ten years now lmao
          • i’ve also a whole harry potter universe set up lol with books for:
          sirius black, remus lupin and fred weasley
          • dress - drew starkey
          college friends to strangers to friends again to lovers
          • an original story that is still heavily under works!! kind of daisy jones inspired but also kinda inspired by one of my fav egyptian tv shows




On my knees for another DR3 


and if it wrote a maze runner fic JUST to give newt a happy ending? bcuz that never sat right with (yes i just rewatched the movies)


@notoriousnika | the main differences/affected relationships in my view are these:
            - in the second book, they changed the entire plot. in the books, they were stuck in phase two of the trials and didn’t actually escape (they just thought they did). 
            - aris was the biggest a hole, and ended up betraying them with trees too (bcuz he was her equivalent in the second maze)
            - the girls from the second maze were all mentioned and their story was told, with all the similarities and differences and stuff
            - teresa’s reasonings were explored a whole lot better and her betrayal hit a lot harder bcuz of the depth we got to see of her relationship with thomas
            - the part where brenda and thomas were separated from the rest of the group was a loooot longer, giving much more reason and explanation for their growing romance (albeit i found her character a lot more annoying in the books and i actually loved her in the movies)
            in the death cure book:
            - ava paige!! this woman genuinely loved those kids and never wanted to hurt them, it’s more visible that she’s kind of a gray character bcuz although she loves them she still has the greater good of the world at heart
            - if u thought jansen was bad in the movies…boy do i have news for u!!
            - most obviously, the deaths! newt and teresa were insanely important parts of the story and their endings in the movies always felt rushed to me, especially newts bcuz it was way more drawn out in the books and the way it happened was somehow even more gut wrenching (still at the hands of thomas tho)
            they might seem like slightly smaller factors but i feel like they cause a shift in perspective, i know people who have only seen the movies generally dislike teresa and love aris but anyone who has read the books is always the opposite?


@vividtoxicity | I noticed the lack of character depth without even knowing/reading the books, it was so obvious. I feel like they rushed through the storyline and showed just a tad bit of thomas and brenda and teresa and their whole situationship. There were probably some scenes cut because I was expecting more development and there was none. Thank you for your thoughts though, at least I won’t waste time with the books.


@notoriousnika | i wouldn’t say they’re better actually, no! they changed up quite a bit with the second and third movies, and i honestly think that most of it was for the better cuz the scorch trials book was such a drag!! my only issue with the movies is it missed out on a lot of the depth within the characters relationships and the characters themselves, especially with teresa and brenda i think. but other than that, i’m my opinion at least, the movies r better 