
missing my boy max right now 


I'm sorry if I already texted you they deleted private messages so I'm gonna say it again and if you already said no I forgot so I don't know if I already texted you or not because I don't have a great memory so don't get mad so if I did already text you tell me wether you said yes or no nicely I love your stories can you make Mindy Meeks-Martin gxg and Tara x Mindy stories where Mindy is g!p and Mindy x Liv stories where Mindy is g!p but can you do Tara x Mindy first


Can someone please tell me why I wouldn't be able to follow some accounts (like this one for ex.)? Like it let me before but won't now, I was just wondering if someone else had that issue....


@Riddlesmoon ohhh ok thank you so much  I though my account was like jacked up or something 


@Riddlesmoon it’s happened to me before and it was wattpad acting weird. it was fixed a few hours later 