
          	Your need for answers after that cliff hanger are now answered 
          	Apologies if you received thousands of notifications saying I updated or re published every chapter.
          	I’ve made multiple little adjustments to every chapter including images and little detail tweaks.
          	It’s nothing big pertaining the plot/ characters so no worries but if you’d like to check out the images I added in i’d appreciate that since it took me a long time lol.
          	bye 4 now lovies <3


          Your need for answers after that cliff hanger are now answered 
          Apologies if you received thousands of notifications saying I updated or re published every chapter.
          I’ve made multiple little adjustments to every chapter including images and little detail tweaks.
          It’s nothing big pertaining the plot/ characters so no worries but if you’d like to check out the images I added in i’d appreciate that since it took me a long time lol.
          bye 4 now lovies <3


Hi lovies, for the next chapter and fututre chapters I was wondering if you guys are interested in reading other characters pov's besides Azalea and Domenico for once? If so pls lmk who, the quicker I get feedback the quicker I can update and post chapters, thankss :)


Please Post the next chapter I wanna find out who was there but take your time this story is awesome I may or may not have stayed up until 5am reading it  anyways I love this story you're an amazing writer can't wait for chapter 19 


Hii, thank u so much for your support it actually means a lot considering how unmotivated I get to write lol. I will try to type up the next chapter and post soon :) I’m so glad your enjoying it and reading it the way I read some of my fav stories <3
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Hi lovey's, I know your probs all mad at me. I took an unexpected hiatus and just ghosted all of you for a few months. Ive been busy because I started college this year and im not even gonna lie  super unmotivated/ lazy to write as well, even though I have countess of ideas on where I wanna take this story. No promises for weakly updates and stuff like that cus im unreliable when it comes to this unfortunately... oops. However I will ATTEMPT to pick up where I left off and post a new chapter or 2 soon??? I hope. Love u, thanks for waiting patiently. <3