
Hey guys. Just an FYI. I put up a new cover to Hawtness I think was more fitting to it's theme. Yes, it's custom illustrated. Those are the characters. Also, decided to throw final volume on here... because there really is nothing gained by holding onto it.


@ShemoansEna he has. She there's no smut. ❤️


 @stephenikechukwu113 Hey have you finished the hawtness story? If u have can u tell me if there’s smut because a friend of mines would love to read the book but she hates smut thanks.


          	  Thank God!!! I've waited for like ages! :-)


I have a question! So I went from 105 followers to 61, I’m not complaining I’m jus wondering how or why that has happened. I could care less about how many people are following me I just thought the sudden decrease was odd, was it because of my content? Something I said? I know you are busy but if you or any can take a look and tell me I would greatly appreciate it! I’m mostly worried I said something offensive or hurt someone’s feelings. Anyway thanks! Also you Wattpad guide really helped!!!


Just stumbled across your page through a Google search on mature ratings for Wattpad. Read your description and went 'this person is such a character I must follow them!' Love your work from my quick browse. Hoping to find some time admist my studies to read one of your stories. Keep it up :)


Hey guys. Just an FYI. I put up a new cover to Hawtness I think was more fitting to it's theme. Yes, it's custom illustrated. Those are the characters. Also, decided to throw final volume on here... because there really is nothing gained by holding onto it.


@ShemoansEna he has. She there's no smut. ❤️


 @stephenikechukwu113 Hey have you finished the hawtness story? If u have can u tell me if there’s smut because a friend of mines would love to read the book but she hates smut thanks.


            Thank God!!! I've waited for like ages! :-)



Dear Author 
          I started reading your “Hawtness” Volumes.... and they r amazing...
          I just want to ask when it ends as in how many more volumes or, Is the 6th Volume the last one???
          With love, hugs, kisses, appreciation and more love,
          Yours darlingly,