
          	Hello there,
          	I've written a book. An original one.
          	I'm looking for beta readers (3-4). Any avid readers with time on their hands and a google account to tear this thing to shreds so I can build it up nice and strong are welcome to message me.
          	If you like any of my books, Harry potter marauders fics, BBC merlin, Celtic mythology, paganism, books where every character is a slytherin...you'll enjoy this one.
          	People raised in Scotland or Wales, or with a passion for british mythology or the victorian era are especially welcome.
          	If I had the money, I'd offer it, but I'm happy to beta read any one else's works in turn?
          	Hoping to hear from you!
          	Sorry to my HP readers, I'll get onto the next chapters soon I swear.


@whimsical_girl_357 hiii! im totally late and i have far too many things to do to be your beta again anyway, but i wish you so much luck in finding one!!


@whimsical_girl_357  Id love to help if possible do not have many qualifications other than like helping my friends with their stories and a built-in grammar police


If you still need people, I'd love to beta read ^_^ I'm currently studying English at university and love reviewing people's papers to help make them stronger


Oh my gosh, I was reading The Emerald Prince yesterday morning, I then had to go because of school, and then I went to go read it again after school and it was just gone. I was reading to cry and smash and window and then chuck my phone out of the room. I reached out to the Support People on here and got the book back this morning. I didn’t want to lose the book since it is very good so far.


Hey in the authors note you wrote of your hpff you wrote about working in south Africa with scientists can you please explain what programme or course you did I am really really really interested in working for wildlife and environment but i  from a backward area and dont have much guidance I can dm my whatsapp no Or insta id if you want please it will be life changing for me literally


Very really do I find a book that keeps my attention like 3H2W1BG did. I read a ton of book on this app and although I like a lot I never find many that I could come back and read again but that book really is one that I can’t wait to read again in the future and dam copyright because I would have loved to get it in a hardcover. 


I'm honoured!! Thank you so much ☺️ 


          Hello there,
          I've written a book. An original one.
          I'm looking for beta readers (3-4). Any avid readers with time on their hands and a google account to tear this thing to shreds so I can build it up nice and strong are welcome to message me.
          If you like any of my books, Harry potter marauders fics, BBC merlin, Celtic mythology, paganism, books where every character is a slytherin...you'll enjoy this one.
          People raised in Scotland or Wales, or with a passion for british mythology or the victorian era are especially welcome.
          If I had the money, I'd offer it, but I'm happy to beta read any one else's works in turn?
          Hoping to hear from you!
          Sorry to my HP readers, I'll get onto the next chapters soon I swear.


@whimsical_girl_357 hiii! im totally late and i have far too many things to do to be your beta again anyway, but i wish you so much luck in finding one!!


@whimsical_girl_357  Id love to help if possible do not have many qualifications other than like helping my friends with their stories and a built-in grammar police


If you still need people, I'd love to beta read ^_^ I'm currently studying English at university and love reviewing people's papers to help make them stronger


Quick question for you, Whimsy, have you read TSOA?


@whimsical_girl_357 You absolutely need to, it’ll make you feel sadness in all the best ways


Sorry I didn't see this message before!!


I haven't, I don't think my heart could survive it