
If you haven’t seen the new Haikyuu movie 10 out of 10 definitely recommend 


Guys my birthday is at 12 I’m turning 20 might upload a chapter to one or two of my books in honor 


@wifeofkuroken Are you going to finish THE BETTEr TWIN when you are done with your break?


Hi I’m still doing the editing for the previously made chapters of the better twin. There’s no actual new chapters unless you’re a new reader then it’s new for you. The story has been up since last year or so I’m just reconstructing right now.


There’s this one person I just blocked because they’ve been critiquing my least favorite twilight book that I’ve been thinking about deleting like if it’s so confusing stop reading. The bonds we have is literally my least favorite and is possibly getting deleted. 


@wifeofkuroken I love that book so much please leave it up I’d like to reread it soon


literally loved that book lol, people are annoying and bitter.


So I made a neobook account I’m going to try using that. I won’t be uploading yet since I’m still busy but I will soon. My account is the same as this one so it should be easy to find.


Hey guys it’s the same as my Wattpad user for both A03 and Neo I don’t really use A03 tho I’m not a fan of


@wifeofkuroken what is the account name please can you send me the link


@wifeofkuroken Do you have a ao3 account if so can you send me a link to it so I can subscribe to it please.


Hey I know this may sound weird and you'll probably say something like "post this on your own board" but no one that follows me would know this so i decided to ask on the boards of some of my favorite authors of this ship. Has anyone read the one fanfic where Marinette and Damian are kidnapped by Talia, forced to get married, fall in love and do the devil's tango, get attacked by Deathstroke where both are injured and split up and then Marinette gives birth to triplets while Damian's brothers orchestrate a trip to get Marinette to Gotham after Damian wakes up (from a serious injury he got from the attack) and tells them about what all happened when he went missing???? I cant remember the name of it and idk how to find it again but I really wanna see if it updated. The last chapters i remember where the second to last one being where Mari named the triplets and then the last one I remember is Marinette finding out her class is going to Gotham. Again sorry if this seems rude it's just l've become desperate at this point since google is useless.


Hey it’s totally fine, if the story was in your library then if it updated you would’ve received a notification. I’ve never read a story like that however if it’s in your library I’d say scroll and find it. It’ll be a process but if it’s that important to you then you should. However as I said before if you didn’t received a notification then it may not have been updated yet. 