
          	Oh, hello! How nice to meet you! Welcome to the CLN Editing Mechanics, where our editors will tinker your book to perfection. Stuck story? Interrupted flow? Doubtful of your grammar and spelling? Or do you just want to transform your book to the highest level of excellence there is? Whatever the problem is, all you need to do is take one minute to fill in our short form and our talented editors will do the rest! You can count on their brilliant skills to develop your fictitious realms into corporeal fantasies, as well as explain in detail where and why changes were made, all without a single penny from your pocket. So, what are you waiting for? Dive right into the bustling department of CLN Editing Mechanics! 


          Oh, hello! How nice to meet you! Welcome to the CLN Editing Mechanics, where our editors will tinker your book to perfection. Stuck story? Interrupted flow? Doubtful of your grammar and spelling? Or do you just want to transform your book to the highest level of excellence there is? Whatever the problem is, all you need to do is take one minute to fill in our short form and our talented editors will do the rest! You can count on their brilliant skills to develop your fictitious realms into corporeal fantasies, as well as explain in detail where and why changes were made, all without a single penny from your pocket. So, what are you waiting for? Dive right into the bustling department of CLN Editing Mechanics! 


'•.¸♡ Greetings to the amazing person reading this ♡¸.•'
          ˏˋ°•⁀➷ We, The Teen Fix community are back with another round of Awards yet again! 
          : ̗̀➛ After successfully hosting, three long awards in the past two years we are back yet again with something different this time. 
          ┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ We proudly present you the brand new edition of Awards by Teen Fix
          ≡;- ꒰ °The Teen Fix Mini Awards ꒱
          ˏˋ°•⁀➷ To get to know, what's in store this time, click the below link and fill the form already! Because the clock has already started ticking, hurry up and enter your book in the award. 
          ✧*̥˚ What's special this time? *̥˚✧
          ❥ We're going with first come and first server basis with limited entries
          ❥ To know more, peep into our book winks
          We'll meet you in the book, We're excited to have you in! 
          【☆】★【☆】Remember to take care of yourself and hydrate yourself. Pamper yourself and smile often! 
           Teen Fix Community


Are you a book lover? Would you rather spend Friday nights on the couch snuggled in with a good book than go partying with your peeps? If yes, then I have the perfect place for you!
          I bring to you CLN’s Book Club. But don't be fooled, it isn't just your average book club. After all, it's run by the (self-proclaimed) craziest department of the Crazy Late Nighters Community. 
          I'm sure you're asking why you should join this book club when there are so many others out there. Well, let me explain some of our clubs and activities and let’s see if you fall in love!
          This club for writers can be found on our Wattpad account (_CLNBC_). Join this book club to meet other lovely writers, gain experience in giving and receiving feedback, and get your book read!
          Reading Challenge
          This activity can also be found on Wattpad. You will write a review on a chosen book and send it in the comments. Whoever has the best review judged by our book club admins will gain some great prizes!
          Books on Fire
          You can find this in our discord server. We will all vote on a book to read and then we will talk about it as we go along! This is beneficial if you want to bond with readers over books!
          Holiday Book Read
          This can be found on our Discord server. On a few select holidays, we vote on a book to read together. Join this if you’d like to celebrate these festivities the CLNBC way!
          Join our server and follow our Wattpad account to receive announcements about these lovely clubs: 

          See? Told you it was special! Just be warned. We aren't the craziest department for nothing. It’s all chaos with us wink


Welcome to The Paragon, a graphic contest hosted by @CLNighters! Once you step inside this arcade, you're going to find yourself caught up in blinding neon lights, systematic beeps, and the cheers of participants playing to win against a backdrop of upbeat music.
          The Paragon is a multi-player biweekly contest. You can enter the arcade at any round, to either watch or take part and create visuals, or graphics, that compete with the shining blue lights for attention. With the goal of winning, but also cheering each other on, The Paragon is perfect for anyone: designers, and people who want to watch them spin out their graphics.
          So come on, step into the arcade to find out more about the rules for playing, and how to win.


Hiii dear ♥️
          How are you?
          - Thought of the day ♥️:
          "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."- 16:33
                          -♥️SOME PIECES OF MINE♥️-
          It's actually some beautiful things or most importantly you yourself and what you love about you unconditionally ❤️ I have one question dear what is that one thing about you that makes you unique? ( I'm excited between) and believe me it's really good to know about it and if you don't know it's fine just start working on yourself ❤️. There are some days when you yourself cannot come up and say that I need you I'm dying inside but I'm happy outside to anyone right? It happened with me there were days that I seen my insecurities and loved them isn't it beautiful that about what we'r scared is the thing that happens everytime but it's okay it's life and it's not fair so from now on start loving yourself and treat yourself as a Queen/ king you're like you have a crown don't bend down for someone they're not worth it ♥️
          - Eat your meals on time and drink water ❤️
          - Take yourself on a date all alone ♥️
          - Listen to songs ♥️
          - Do meditation and exercise ♥️
           Have a great day ❤️
          Stay safe and healthy ❤️
          Smile bright ♥️
          I love you dear ❤️
          Take care ♥️
          I love you dear ❤️
          Bbye ♥️
          # Lifeshots... ♥️


"It's okay to be not okay sometimes. It's okay if the only thing you did today was to breathe and stay true to yourself."
          Your very own TeenFix is back!
          We are a community that works for teens and things which are considered immoral. If you are a teenager, this is the right place for you.  We’ve got your back! Our motto is, We’re here with you and for you". All we wish is to see a smile on any teenager's face at the end of the day no matter what they've faced during it. 
          We are very delighted to inform you that we are back and hiring! 
          The new year is here with hopes of newness and betterment. So what can be better than meeting and interacting with new people?
          New people which include very talented -
          Graphic Designers 
          Fun Book Helpers
          Hiring Group
          Teen Talers
          Our Thoughts Your Dreams Members
          Alpha To Omega Members 
          And if that's not enough - 
          • We got a cool, organized server which gives you a chance to interact with many people around the globe.
          • We have a staff which is fully energetic and interactive and keeps the server and work organized. 
          • There are also some benefits for our members. They get a follow up from our main account and due credits would be given to them no matter what type of work they are a part of in our community. Appreciation for the work you do is guaranteed.
          All of that being said, are you ready? Come on! Join us so that we can have a lot of fun. Work for the same cause and helping people out together is our goal.
          Here's our wattpad book link for you to get the form link:
          You can also join this discord server and apply to join us:



﹑❀﹒" Let your wings free ." ﹒☆
          We are the children of the Wind and Tide,
          The urchins of the sky,﹒♡
          Drying our wings from storms and things,
          ﹒⟡﹢ So, we can again fly . .
          To Have Wings.﹒ㆍ Freedom ﹐☆﹑
          A Wide Open Sky Accepting Your Wants to Become a Ball of Adrenaline.  ﹗﹗rock
          ˖﹒⭔﹐ Come into the world of fluttering angels where feathers are given more importance than its appearance. If you have Wings, you can Fly.﹐⇆﹒≡ 
           ∇﹗. .  Having wings is all you need to take a step forward and be a part of our Aliferous Community. The community of wings. ✸﹒✿﹐
          ﹐◖﹒★﹒"You Are Already Aliferous,
                          All you need to do is Spread Them and Fly~"  ♡﹑+
          >﹏A heart warming welcome to our community where we help you spread your wings and fly beyond Infinity. ! 
          ﹒↦﹒Do you ever think of flying out without fear and with freedom? Are you still thinking about those fins that are winged but aren't opening...? We may help you! All you need to do is spread them to your limits and cross the possessions that stop your talent and hold you back.  
          ︲><﹑We at Aliferous Community, have grown through years and learn to fly higher and higher into the celestial sphere.  ﹒✿﹒
          ☓. ﹒✶It never matters if you don't have wings, 
                                               You Can Create them.﹗ ˖ ་