
watching the punisher for the first time and am fully aware that I am plummeting back into my ben barnes phase. also have no interest in stopping myself


i know obviously there's a huge market for fanfics, but i kinda wish people were just as interested in original stories too, even if they have to get to know a new cast of characters. really random ik but it was just on my mind


thank you to everyone who has been so patient and kind about the delay on my books, my final exams are in five weeks and im highkey freaking out about them. i would love to get back into writing as soon as possible, just know that it is absolutely in the cards and i have NOT abandoned yall! xx


hi again ! I was wondering if you were still doing the text to speech on the other two tvd books ?  no rush at all , just been ready to listen to them !☺️


@ariibabyy20 for some reason, every story but 'wayward' and 'sweet home' are getting voice to text :(
            i'll keep trying at it, it worked for my other books but i'll keep putting in requests every week until it goes in. again, sorry and i hope to come back to you with good news <3


@ariibabyy20 i thought they would be up by now rip. i've resubmitted the request for the next two books to have text to speech put in. if they don't show up in a week just lmk and i'll try again. sorry about that! <3


I’m loving the TVD series just finished the first book and I loved it ! is it a possibility that you could do the text to speech on the next two books ? I like to listen to it at work. if not I understand keep up the good work and can’t wait to read to 2nd one. 


@bibabata thank youuuuu so much ! 


@ariibabyy20 okay so i've looked it up and submitted a request to have the text to speech added onto those books, i think it'll take about a week or so to have it put in :)


@ariibabyy20 of course! it never actually occurred to me to put that feature on my books. i'm gonna go digging around for how to turn it on and come back to you! thanks for bringing it up <3