
i woke up to news about kim jonghyun from SHINee committing suicide due to depression today. despite not really seriously being a part of the fandom, after looking at the details of the incident and reading his suicide note, i started bawling. what happened is so tragic and sad that i'm still not able to believe it all. i cannot imagine what jonghyun must have been going through and can only hope that wherever he is now, he had found peace and is happy. my condolences go to his family, friends and fans. i think this incident really shows how important it is to seek help when needed. depression is no joke and every being should look after their mental health. if you ever need to talk to someone please please please pm me xx 


i woke up to news about kim jonghyun from SHINee committing suicide due to depression today. despite not really seriously being a part of the fandom, after looking at the details of the incident and reading his suicide note, i started bawling. what happened is so tragic and sad that i'm still not able to believe it all. i cannot imagine what jonghyun must have been going through and can only hope that wherever he is now, he had found peace and is happy. my condolences go to his family, friends and fans. i think this incident really shows how important it is to seek help when needed. depression is no joke and every being should look after their mental health. if you ever need to talk to someone please please please pm me xx