
i owe you all an apology. for real!!
          	i didn't expect the school year to drain me as much, however i obviously underestimated the workload, projects, and other activities that ate away the free time i had. and whenever i actually had free time, i spent it on sleeping lol.. no amount of time management can help me..
          	..but anyways. i'm sorry!! i'm really really sorry for being inactive and unable to update any ongoing books especially taberu. thank you all for your patience with me!!
          	HOWEVER!! summer is right around the corner. although i won't guarantee it, i hope to spend most of my break writing again. i'll try to make it up to you!
          	that's all for now! again, i'm deeply sorry and thank you so much for waiting! :(


omg i’m late but don’t worry about it at all yua !! take all the time you need and rest when you can, we’ll all be waiting. there’s absolutely no pressure at all <33


@xparvdise | i'm glad you enjoy my writing!! and thank you for waiting!!:( 


i owe you all an apology. for real!!
          i didn't expect the school year to drain me as much, however i obviously underestimated the workload, projects, and other activities that ate away the free time i had. and whenever i actually had free time, i spent it on sleeping lol.. no amount of time management can help me..
          ..but anyways. i'm sorry!! i'm really really sorry for being inactive and unable to update any ongoing books especially taberu. thank you all for your patience with me!!
          HOWEVER!! summer is right around the corner. although i won't guarantee it, i hope to spend most of my break writing again. i'll try to make it up to you!
          that's all for now! again, i'm deeply sorry and thank you so much for waiting! :(


omg i’m late but don’t worry about it at all yua !! take all the time you need and rest when you can, we’ll all be waiting. there’s absolutely no pressure at all <33


@xparvdise | i'm glad you enjoy my writing!! and thank you for waiting!!:( 


you’re so talented! i adore your stories <3


@yua-giri tyy you for making such amazing stories! ❤️


@KIKIIMI | omg thank you so much!! ♡ :D


OMG CONGRATS ON 1M ON TABERU !! that story literally drove me to fix my own writing + led me to your account !! you are one of the sweetest people i’ve met so i hope you have the best holiday MWAH <33


@anqelically  |  ?!?!?!? THANK YOU!! WAAAA your words mean so much to me!!!


i am also so ready for your armin book SKDJKS i love him sm



          Merry christmas, everyone!! For those who don't celebrate, happy holidays!! And I hope you all have a wonderful start of the new year. ♡
          Thank you for the time you spent reading and supporting my books. I'm really greatful you stuck around despite how cringe some chaptes get!
          Anddd!! Thank you for a million reads on Taberu!! When I first saw it I was like "WHAT IS THIS REAL?!?!" and had to refresh my feed a few times lol. I couldn't believe it!!! 


Merry Christmas!


to the people who continue reading Taberu despite the cringe warning on the description.... ♡♡♡ thank u and i'm sorry..


literally the best megumi fic I've stumbled upon. nothing has topped it for me


@ yua-giri  Hi hope your having a good day everyone.
             I definitely want to say I've been reading your book for so long and there's a reason for that, the way you write is not cringe it's good I've always loved that and i enjoy it so much, the character development and the way you describe things just make me feel so hungry to read the next chapter. I hope you post new chapter and I'll definitely be happy to read them and I'm sure the other's will also


@yua-girl i've been a reader for a long time it's definitely a story you can go back to