Chapter 16 - Closure

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After approximately fifteen minutes on the uncomfortable metal bleachers, watching Mercer and Judah play a game of one-on-one, Milo and Ellie got bored and went for a walk around the park. They made their way around to the coffee kiosk where they met up a few days ago. This time they both opted for warm drinks to combat the chill from the breeze.

"You never told me what happened with the prom queen." Milo said.

"Ingrid?" Ellie shrugged. "Nothing happened."

"You seemed into her at the party."

"You know how you can see something that looks so delicious your mouth waters, but then you taste it and you're just disappointed because it's so bland."


"Ingrid is the personification of that feeling."

"She tasted bland?"

Ellie smacked his shoulder. "No, dummy! She was boring as hell. I faked twisting my ankle so I could leave the party without hurting her feelings. She was very sweet, and I could tell she liked me, but I almost fell asleep whenever she started talking."

Milo laughed. "That sucks."

"Tell me about it. I had a crush on her for, like, five years."

"You should've talked to her sooner. You would've saved yourself a lot of time wasted pining over her."

Ellie sighed. "C'est la vie."

Milo hooked his arm through hers. "Who would've thought I'd be the one of us to end up with a relationship this trip?"

"The only reason I would have doubted it is because you're so bad at putting yourself out there."

"What do you think about him?"


Milo nodded.

"I think he's great, as long as he makes you happy." Ellie pulled him to a stop. They sat on a bench that overlooked the sprawling lawn. In the summer months, it played host to picnics, soccer games, and frisbee golf tournaments. Today, there was just one elderly man playing fetch with a schnauzer wearing a pink polka dotted bow tie that matched his own.

"He's much perkier than I would've pictured for you." Ellie said.

"What did you picture?"

"An intellectual type. All bookish with glasses and maybe a goatee. Definitely not a blond Adonis with biceps the size of grapefruits."

"I agree." Milo said. "I don't know what he sees in me."

Ellie gripped his arm firmly. "That is not at all what I just said."

"But you have to admit we don't exactly match."

"You're his boyfriend. Not his twin." Ellie said. "And as long as he's attracted to you, which he so clearly is, why does it matter what you look like? He's the one that has to look at you."

"I guess you're right." Milo said.

"Of course I am."

Milo furrowed his brow when he noticed Hunter approaching them at a fast walk. He looked annoyed. "There you are! Jesus! I've walked around half the park looking for you."

Milo was shocked, and not all pleased to see him. "How did you even know I was here?"

"Ellie geotagged this." Hunter showed a photo of Ellie and Milo. She took it while they were watching Mercer and Judah.

"Okay, stalker." Ellie raised her brows and looked at Milo.

"What do you want?" Milo asked, genuinely curious what Hunter was doing here.

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