Chapter 11

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I set the table while Liam was watching TV. I put the salad on the table with the rice.

 I don't know what I was thinking when I invited him over. 

My mind is all over the place. I can't think straight. I probably shouldn't over think this. This is a good idea. Liam needs Ethan in his life and I can't prevent that for my own selfish reasons.

Imagining me not telling Liam about his father ever would be a good idea, let's see how that'll turn out: He'll hate me for keeping that a secret and probably cut off all connections with me and I'll end up sad and  alone with fifty cats or he will understand that I kept it a secret of my old selfish reasons and cut all connection with me and I'll end up sad and alone with fifty cat.

I'll end up with fifty cat either way. I just don't know if I survive. Maybe I'll get fifty dogs instead.

The door bell brings me out of my thoughts and I'm grateful for that. I can't imagine growing old with nothing but fifty cats around me.

"Are you ready Liam?" I shout from  the kitchen.

"Yes mommy!"I hear him shout back.

I walk to the front door and open it up. 

Ethan was standing with a grin on his face holding a bouquet of flower and a box of Lego.

"Orchids, your favorite." He said smiling.

"You remember." I whisper.

Orchids aren't really my favorite flowers. Roses are but that is too common so when he asked what  my favorite flower was, I told him the first thing that came to my mind. Orchids.

"Of course I remember." He handed me the flowers. "Can I come in?"

"Yes." I say moving aside admiring the flowers. "He is watching TV."

"Nice place." He commented looking around the apartment. 

"Thanks." I say closing the door.

The apartment is pretty nice. I mean I've never had a problem and the rent is affordable. And it's not so far from my workplace.

He walked to the living room where Liam was and I heard Liam scream in excitement. He has been wanting a new Lego set even though I got him one recently. I really hope Ethan doesn't spoil the kid.

I walk into the living room and Ethan runs to me carrying the box.

"Look, mommy." He says cheerfully. "Look what he got me."

"It's nice but don't make a mess when you play with it or I'll take it." I warn.

"Okay." He promised. "Can I play with it now?"

"Why don't you and I play with it after dinner." Ethan suggested.

"Promise?" Liam asked.

"Promise." Ethan agreed.

"Okay, to the kitchen." I announce leading the way

They both seat down as I bring out the chicken from the oven and set it on the table. I grab a bag of potatoes chip and set it beside me. Ethan gave me a confused look and nodded my head towards Liam and sit down.

"Okay, dig in." I say. 

Ethan didn't waste time to serve himself once he noticed I was staring at he he gave me a goofy smile. "What? I miss your cooking."

I rolled my eyes and served Liam. "If you finish this you can get quarter of the bag.

"I want the whole thing."

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