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Sincere "Blu" Morgan
Two days later

I walked in my dad's house making everybody heads turn my way.  Everyone was here expect for him.

"Where the fuck you been at" my momma asked rudely making me roll my eyes before going in the kitchen.

"So you don't hear her" Markey asked. Of course he'd say something. He ride our momma dick so bad.

I opened the fridge and grabbed a water before sitting on the couch next to Paris. I couldn't open the bottle, so I passed it to her.

She opened it before giving it back as my momma mugged me.

"You not gon speak. Now I'll be wrong if I slap the fuck out you" she said. I took a slip off water before looking at her.

"The day you slap me gon be yo last and that's on Parkway" I said. Everyone looked at each other before I heard my dad's car outside.

When my mom tried to hit me I stood up making her fall. I went outside and got in his passenger seat making him look at me.

"Mom messing with me. I didn't do nothing and she said she was gon slap me" I said making him shake his head.

"What did you say back" he asked making me tell him what I said. He started laughing before we got out the car. We walked in seeing my mom standing there. When she seen me she tried to charge me, but my dad pushed her.

"You better not put your hands on my daughter" he said.

Smh, gotta be quicker then that...

I shook my head before walking upstairs. I peeped Paris following me. We both went in my room before I plopped on my bed.

"Diamond called" she said making me shrug as I took my hoodie off.

"Y'all into it" she asked making me shake my head no. I changed into some shorts as Paris sat on the edge of my bed.

"That girl don't care bout me. None of y'all do. Y'all just be feeling bad for me" I said while shaking my head.

"Blu we do care about you" Paris said making me smack my lips.

"Y'all fake care about me till I make one of y'all mad then y'all say how you really feel. Just like how my mom said what she said. She been holding that shit in for a minute now" I said making Paris sigh.

"Blu what did you take" she asked. She always think I'm high. I mean I am, but she don't no right to assume.

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that" I said making her twist her lips to the side. She put her face in her hands before taking a deep breath.

"Blu what did you take" she repeated making me put up five fingers.

"Five what" she asked making me shrug. I can't even remember what they were.

"How don't you know what you took" she asked making me shrug. One more question and she gone have to get the fuck out.

Her phone flashed indicating she got a text.

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