Chapter 13

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I'm much more me when I'm with you ♡♡♡

Flora's Pov

I woke up feeling so energetic and umm actually kinda happy

Yes happy!!!

I woke up and went to make breakfast singing happily and whistling

Yes I do that when I'm genuinely happy

Why am I even happy in the first place

Because of  Mr Nicholeson dummy

No I'm not happy because of him...yeah yeah...i get it so your just happy because of the waffle in front of you

She said sarcastically

And I pushed her at the back if my mind before I went in the bathroom to take my shower

After that I bath aria and dressed her before we ate breakfast and left

We went into the bus and it started raining heavily...aria was sleeping peacefully

Today is new year's eve and I'm also happy about that...I still remember years back when mom and dad was alive

Everything was worries..I still remember when he brought me a key chain

I still have it in my was my life and mom also but dad was the major part

We were so happy..everything was simple and we were happy and then just one night

Everything came crashing down....Dad's death was a tragic one...cancer

It took me almost two years together over it and mom's death followed

Another devastating one but what can I do ,just to accept what life throws at me

Then I looked at my innocent angel sleeping on my chest..i will give her the best life

And I have already started by giving her a comfortable home...but there's a lot more coming baby

I will take care of her and of course of myself...I need a glow up...I'm 25 not 75

So man's need to glow up...and now I'm taking in mom's advice to live life to the fullest and so I will do

But that doesn't mean I will waste my life to drink and get wasted..I'm a big sister more like a mother to her

Because she recognises me as her mother

So I would not go to club...dress like a slut and get wasted by drinking

I have responsibility and bills to pay...i will live life modernly

And finally we reached the villa...I paid the bus driver and got down

I went into the villa the place was still dark and it was still raining heavily

Today is Thursday but dana is not going to preschool because they closed down some days ago

Because of the new year...why am I even here this early

To see Mr Nicholeson's face of course

And I just shook my head and went inside to meet the place dark and I quickly went into Dana's room to lay aria to sleep because you know what the boss said ~~

I did that and was now already going down when I heard a thick,Italian husky voice

"You're already here"

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