78 Surprise...

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Part 78 Surprise...

Arnav and Khushi have forgotten themselves and stood in one another's arms. They jerked, hearing a knock on the door. They got apart and Arnav opened the door. Aman smiled teasingly, seeing Khushi in his cabin. Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Ok... I will come later..." He said teasingly and was about to turn to leave,

"Wait..." Khushi stopped him.

"I'm going...You carry on..."

"No, Khushi, it's seems you are in important work..." He said with a fake blush.

Before Arnav said anything,

"Shut up and come in..." Khushi ordered.

"As you said Madam Boss..." He said bending his head.

Khushi tapped on his head and left the cabin pouting. Aman chuckled at her. He waited until she leaves the place and got inside the cabin.

"ASR...our designs have been selected for the fashion show which is going to happen in Australia next week." He said with extreme excitement.

Arnav was confused hearing that because AR didn't send the design to the fashion show organizer.

"But... we didn't send the designs..." he asked with confusion.

"Khushi sent..." Aman said smilingly.

"Khushi? What designs she sent?" he asked without clarity.

"It's all your designs... she found it in your cupboard and sent..." Aman smiled seeing his facial reaction.

"When did it happen?" He asked perplexed.

"The first day you came to the office, after your marriage..."

"Oh...but she didn't say anything to me...?" Arnav asked frowning.

"Not only to this fashion show, ASR. She had been sent your designs to almost all the country's fashion show organizers. And... back to back happenings of RM might have been made her forget about it. That's why she should not have told you."

"Don't know how she gets such ideas..." Arnav wondered with pride.

"But you always wanted to do it, right?"

"Yup... but I didn't think that my OLD designs are enough to get such an opportunity."

"Yeah... it's because you never get satisfied with your work. And you don't even consider that your designs are world-class..."

Arnav smiled and became excited.

"Does Khushi know about it?" Arnav asked excitedly.

"No... just now I got the mail."

"Ok... Don't tell her anything about the show... send the mail to my id and delete it."

"Done...(he passed for a while) by the way, what were you guys doing a few minutes ago?" He grinned.

Arnav knew that he intentionally teasing him.

"Learn some manners damn it... is it manners to know what's happening between husband and wife?" Arnav asked with fake anger.

"Not at all... but I don't mind to be mannerless..." he said shamelessly.

"I don't mind breaking your head..." He took the paperweight from the table and gestured like, throwing on Aman.

Aman rushed out of the cabin laughingly.

Arnav read the content of the mail sent by Aman and smiled. This is surely taking AR to the next level. AR is going to be shined in the world level market for sure. He thought for a while that what has to be done. And then he called Khushi.

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