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The last cherry blossom petals were falling, leaving the tree branches naked of any cover and announcing the imminent arrival of summer.

Though it had barely been a month since school had started, Tooru Oikawa couldn't help but feel frustrated at how quickly time was flying by.

The volleyball captain had now entered his final year of high school, meaning he only had two opportunities left to destroy Shiratorizawa and bring his team to nationals.

Though it was common knowledge Tooru Oikawa was a gifted player, not even his concise and precise plans could break through Shiratorizawa's walls.

The brunette huffed, eyes lost in the petals dancing outside the window.

"Mr. Oikawa?" The teacher suddenly called out his name, causing his head to shoot up. "Could you please tell the class what answer you've found for question 13?"

The boy bit his lip, analysing the board as quickly as he could.

"I'd say... A." He finally tried his luck after narrowing it down to two possible answers.

"That is correct." The teacher's jaw formed a tight line as he went on to explain the mechanics.

Though his sole focus was volleyball, Oikawa was a smart student and always had excellent grades. After all, he was striving for a sports scholarship, and he better than anyone else knew he needed the best grades he could get to obtain it.

The bell finally rung, interrupting Oikawa's train of thoughts and releasing him from hell. He quickly packed up his books and exited the classroom.

As expected, a group of fan girls were excitingly waiting for him outside.

"Oikawa-senpai!" They all squealed together as they ran towards the tall brunette.

The boy's ego blew up, a small smirk taking over his lips as the girls desperately tried to get his autograph.

"Ah, don't worry, I have time for everyone! One at a time!" He'd sheepishly said as the girls blushed and squealed some more.

"Come on Trashykawa, we've got practice, move it." A cold voice called from behind the pack of degenerate fan girls.

"Oh, you don't have to be so mean Iwa-chan." Oikawa teased with a pout, signing one last paper and walking towards his friend.

Iwaizumi was the only one with enough patience to deal with Oikawa and every little quirk that came along with him. He was never scared of putting the cocky setter back in place and scolding him, and though Oikawa would never admit it, he truly was grateful for his presence.

"The coach is going to kill us if we're late." His best friend responded, voice as cold as ever. "Besides, if we want to have a chance to stop that freak quick attack if Karasuno's, we need more practice."

"Ah, don't worry about Iwaizumi." The brunette hummed, slipping his hands in his pockets as they walked towards the gym. "We'll be fine. Karasuno has never been a bother and won't become one now."

"If you're wrong, I will beat you up Crappykawa."

"IWA! Why do you have to be so- Ow! You don't have to hit me, I haven't even been that obnoxious yet!"

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