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"What?" The green-eyed girl stared at Oikawa dumbfounded, and the boy was happy to have been able to break her cold exterior at least once.

"Chess. I've seen you reading your book." He pointed at the book she was holding in her hands, then back at the mini set. "I thought we'd give it a go."

Ah, so that's what he was happy about last time. The girl thought as she kept staring at the brunette.

"Did you not show up for a week just to learn chess?" She suddenly asked, putting the pieces together as Oikawa blushed violently.

"Eh? What... no, of course not." He managed to mumble awkwardly. He just couldn't get anything past her, could he? "So, will you please play with me?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." She said, going back to her book as Oikawa felt his blood boiling. He hadn't learned chess for nothing, he had to play at least one game with her.

"Let's make a deal: we play, and if I win, you give me your name and number." He smirked as the girl raised her eyebrows at him.

"You think you can win against me after playing for barely a week?" She asked, amused. I mean she knew the boy was tremendous, but not that he was dumb too.

"First of all, I've been playing for longer than that." Oikawa pouted as the girl narrowed her eyes and raised her eyebrows some more. "And second of all, yes, I believe I can beat you."

The girl pressed her lips. I mean, she never said no to a friendly chess game but... this was Oikawa Tooru, and she could simply not stand the boy. Then again, maybe it would finally shut him up.

"Fine. Only one game though." She specified as she watched Oikawa's face light up in excitement.

"Yes! You won't regret it." He exclaimed and they started to play.


Needless to say, Oikawa had been perhaps a bit too excited and the girl had indeed not regretted playing with him.

They'd been playing for barely 30 minutes, and Oikawa had already lost. 5 times.

"What- how?" The boy cried out as the girl declared "Check mate" for the sixth time of the evening.

Every single time he thought he had an advantage, and every single time one of the girl's pieces suddenly popped out of nowhere and put him in a tough spot. He just couldn't understand how it was humanly possible.

"How do you do it?" He asked, still startled.

"Well, for starters, I've been playing for more than a week." The girl quipped ironically.

She couldn't stand the boy, but these games had given her the opportunity to make fun of him endlessly, which she found surprisingly entertaining.

"Ok, but still! I've been practicing really hard!" He replied, hanging his head and looking at the board, noticing all his stupid mistakes.

"Have you been reading books?" She asked and the boy replied with a nod, taking one of them out and handing them to her.

She quickly flipped through it. "Sure, this one's good for beginners, but otherwise it's pretty useless." She shrugged as she handed it back to him.

The girl then looked outside, noticing the bus had finally reached her stop.

She put her own book back in her bag and got up.

"Tomorrow, we're playing again, and this time, I'll win!" Oikawa declared as the girl walked towards the door.

She paused for a second, staring deep into the setter's brown eyes. For once, he didn't have that flirtatious look of his but the confident and determined one.

"We'll see." Was all she said as she walked out and left a stunned Oikawa behind.

Following their discussion, Oikawa rushed to the library as soon as he got off the bus and bought a more expert looking chess book. If he wanted to beat her and get her name, he was going to have to work hard.


"Oikawa, what did you find for question 9?" Makki asked, turning to look at the captain sprawled on the couch.

Oikawa didn't reply, clearly lost in his thoughts. He was intently reading his new chess book, his board open in front of him as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.

"What's up with him?" Makki asked turning to Iwaizumi.

The latter shrugged. "He's trying to impress a girl by playing chess with her."

Though Oikawa had invited them all to study and sleep over at his house that night, he was far too deep in his chess book to pay any attention to them.

"He's still trying to get with his bus buddy?" Mattsun popped in, looking up from his math homework. "I thought she'd already turned him down multiple times."

"It's Shittykawa we're talking about, he's up for anything if it means getting to stick his tongue down somebody's throat." Iwaizumi shrugged some more as Makki and Mattsun snickered.

"Huh?" The setter finally seemed break from his trance, and looked at his three friends laughing at him. "What's the matter?"

"You just look funny when you're desperate." Iwaizumi hummed.

"IWA-CHAN! I'm not desperate, you're just a meanie!" Oikawa shot up, grabbing the pillow behind him and throwing it at his ace.

Iwaizumi got hit right in the face, and all the colours drained from it as he turned bright red.



Oikawa started running away as Iwaizumi chased him down. Makki and Mattsun stared at each other, shrugging, and laughed as the ace finally reached the setter.

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