Chapter 16

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 When I opened my eyes I was still in the car driving forward, yet somehow this time I was in the driver's seat. There were rolling hills on either side of me that blurred as I whizzed by. The only thing I could hear was the roar of the engine and my hands gripped the wheel tightly.

Thank God. I thought, it all must have been a dream. I tried to look at the seat beside me but my head wouldn't move, and it was fixed on the road ahead. I took a deep breath and tried again only to fail. Maybe this is the dream. I thought to myself worriedly. I could hear something soft in the background. It almost sounded like a voice. I focused in on it, and to my surprise, it was Xan's voice.

What do I do? I need to go after Zati, but I have no idea where they're going. Why can't I hear her? I can't believe he kissed her! I'm going to kill him. I swear to god... Xan's thoughts rambled on and on in the same angry rant. I'm going to kill that son of a....

He poured over all the ways in which he could try and kill Than. He went through every action, ever option. He scrutinized every detail carefully, yet coming no closer to a decision or plan of action.

I guess it wasn't a dream. I thought to myself. But if it wasn't, where am I? Or, moreover, how am I here? What's going on?

I felt my gaze shift to the seat beside me. V was crunched up in a ball in the passenger seat.

"I swear I'll find her V. I won't let anything happen to her." I heard Xan whisper under his breath. Oddly enough, my lips seemed to move with his words.

"Xan, will you please stop grumbling, you're giving me a headache!" A voice ordered. I'd recognize the voice anywhere. It was Kate. My head turned to the back seat and stared in her direction. She was curled up sitting in the back seat, her head resting in-between the two front seats staring back at me.

"Sorry," he replied. I felt my lips, yet again, move responding with him.

What the hell? I tried to say something on my own. Make my own response, but my lips wouldn't budge, and my vocal chords didn't make a sound.

"Xan, you've got to stop this! We've been racing down this highway for hours! I know you saw the girl in the other car kiss that guy, and even I'll admit it did look like Kend, but it's not her. You know she'd never do anything like that to you. This is crazy. And even if it was Kend, what are you going to do when you find her? Go crazy violent boyfriend on her? I have a cell. I'll call the police. Xan I'm telling you. Look at Kend's sister, she's barely moving. It doesn't even look like she's even breathing. She can't be well. You've got to stop this car, this instant and turn it around." Kate pleaded.

Xan ignored her and I could feel my foot pushing even harder on the gas pedal. My gaze drifted back to the highway ahead. It was as if I was in Xan's body, staring out his eyes. Moving as he moved, speaking as he spoke. It's like our connection went on some crazy freaky-Friday turn. My eyes glanced up quickly at the rearview mirror, only to confirm my fears. It was Xan staring back at me. I started to panic. What's going on? Xan? Xan!

"Xan, stop ignoring me. I know you can hear me. Stop the car right now!" I could hear Kate demanding in the background. Xan continued flooring it down the highway.

I don't see the car. He's too fast. Where is he taking my Zati? Think, THINK! Damn it! What do I do? Xan's mind was everywhere.

Between the two of them there was so much noise in my metaphoric head, I could hardly take it. I tried to take a moment to think of the experience in other terms. I paused for a moment, and concentrated on blocking everyone else out. If I was really here, that meant that I still had my connection with Xan. If I still had my connection maybe he could hear me. It was a long shot, but I figured I could try. I know he hadn't heard me when I was just thinking normally, so I would have to put an extra effort in. I concentrated all my energy, and sent Xan the only hint I could think of.

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