2-Beauty [𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐃]

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I was bored and hungry.

I turned around looking for a tasteful human option but was disappointed to smell nothing that smelt sweet. I hid behind big objects. And thankfully no one noticed me. Well technically no one ever notices me, but that's because I manipulate their minds into erasing my presence from their head. I am very handsome for a vampire I guess, so some people do stare. I mean I can't blame them I wouldn't take my eyes off myself too. But it attracts attention and that's the exact opposite of what a blood sucking monster would want.

I use my power to walk the streets freely but as soon as I pass the entrance of a school I wasn't familiar with a whiff of a delightful scent caught my attention. I looked around the school grounds like a maniac.

Well technically I am a maniac.

I swiftly pass through a crowd of many people and followed the scent. Every step I took was like a step closer to heaven. I eventually came to a stop when I see a girl reading at a nearby bench. Her scent was the one I was going crazy for. She looked so beautiful like a piece of art. I have never seen any other human with that kind of beauty.

What book is she reading?

It seems like she is reading the book 'The Great Gatsby'. Ahh yes, I read that book when it first came out and if I'm being honest it's overrated.

Never mind that, how come I have never seen her around though? I know practically everyone, even though I have been here for only a week. Moving around constantly has made me familiar with instantly making mutual friends and recognizing people so I can come off as "normal".

Oh god her scent is really kicking in, but it's impossible to kill such a beautiful creature.

Too innocent
But you do it every day to hundreds of innocent people with no hesitation

Ugh, this is harder than I thought. Never in my whole existence I've had to hold myself back on something.

I kept staring until I assume one of her friends walk over to her all excited. Suddenly the beautiful girl got all jumpy and happy. She seems to have a lot of energy. Something I can't handle. She shoos her friend away and starts walking towards the school doors. A bunch of people got in her way asking for favors and one kid even asked her out.

How pathetic.

I tried to think of a plan on how to get get her attention. I went for the classic colliding trick. I controlled her thoughts to get her distracted so she won't see where she is going. And just like that, we bumped into each other. Her scent was so strong and it was driving me all crazy again. She quickly apologized and picked up the book that she dropped. I stare intensely at her waiting to see her beautiful face. Finally, after what felt like an eternity to me she looked up and her eyes swirled with emotions.

Gosh she looks so fragile and perfect
Her eyes had a sparkle in them something you don't see in many people nowadays, and I can tell she was a bit curious.

"Hello nice to meet you my name is Diana," the girl greeted holding out her hand for me to shake. Her voice sounded angelic and soft it was music to my ears.

"Hello Diana my name is Eric nice to meet you too," I said picking her hand up gladly and laying a soft kiss on it. I flash her a smile and a light blush appears on her checks.

It seems to me I have an effect on her

"So umm are you new here?" She asks tucking her hands behind her back.

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