T h i r t e e n

873 39 55

~ Vincent ~

The first I need to do after waking up - Reread the key to happy living.

Yeah. 'Happy living' are the very terms stated by Mrs.Heartwood, herself.

It was a small chart entitled 'The Key to Happy Living'.

These were the following activities in the list :

• Smile.

• Exercise. Exercise isn't just for your body.

• Get plenty of sleep.

• Don't skip meals.

• Write down your feelings.

• Read a book.

• Be grateful.

• Indulge in a different activity.

• Give a compliment.

• Breathe deeply.

• Enjoy the small things in life.

• Stay positive.

• Hang out with somebody.


Even though I've been reading this chart daily, I haven't followed it properly yet.

Come on! It was not that easy to do all these. At least, not for me.

Okay, Vincent, let's try the first one.


I stood in front of the mirror and forcefully quirked up the end of my lips. I don't know if I can call it a genuine smile, but it is a smile, nonetheless.

My face muscles started aching due to the unnecessary pressure on it.

Done. I drew a small tick-mark across the first activity in my to-do list.

It doesn't mean that I could stop doing the activity, but I ticked it because I proved to myself that I could do it.

My phone buzzed, catching my attention.

Who would text me?

I checked it, and I learned that it was a scam message asking for my bank account number.

Idiots these days.

I kept the phone back on the nightstand, and when I was about to go downstairs, the phone buzzed again.


I grabbed it angrily and checked the message.

It was from an unknown number. I opened the message.

Heyya buddy!!

Derek? He's the only one who calls me like that. Another message popped in the next second.

It's me Derek, your best friend. 🙋

My best what?

I barely know the guy, and I don't know anything else about him, other than the fact that he is a popular newbie. And also strange.

Vincent, I hope that you didn't forget that I'm your History project partner.

- D

Why did he have to remind me that? I already hated history, and on top of it, this project was so unnecessarily important to pass the class. I texted him.

No I didn't forget.

- V

But you don't need to worry, I love history so I'll do it myself, if you're okay with it.

- D

What! You would??

- V

Oh dang! I shouldn't have been that enthusiastic. Now, that would just inflate his ego.

Yeah Vincent. I will.

Afterall, we're friends, right?

But, I want you agree to hangout with us.

- D

Us? As in Emily and Skyler?

Nothing makes sense. Why would he do the project just to make me hangout with them?

And before you get freaked out, lemme explain it. Next weekend, there is a fundraising program held by my father.

It's nothing, we should just read out stories to elementary students as volunteers.

It's gonna be fun. 😄

- D

Okayy. I didn't peg Derek to be the charity type or loving kids type. I thought he was gonna say that he's throwing a party or something like that.

I seriously shouldn't judge anybody.

If that's all it is, then I think I'll be okay with it.

I guess.

I think I'm in.


The reply came almost immediately.

You're in? Seriously? I thought I had to bribe you more. Good for me, anyways. 😆

Will text more info about it.


- D

After a minute, he texted again.

And just FYI, I'm straight. So, don't think too much about my enthusiasm. 😂😂

- D

I smiled at that.

Oh my God.

I seriously, genuinely, truly smiled at that!

I guess it won't hurt to be friends with Derek, the straight guy.

And Ms.Heartwood needs to do some serious explanation on going around and giving my phone number to everybody.

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