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Liam Rawley

"What the fuck is this shit?"Brady asked Dan after examining his new piece.

I was looking around the huge house by going through old photos and some trophies on the shelf. Most of them were trophies for music stuff but it looked like he also won some in sports-related competitions.

"You told me to write a new piece and that's what I did."Dan defended.

"Look, Dan, I can tell that you're not serious about this and I can't really help if that's the case."Brady explained frustratedly, "Maybe this is all just a waste of time."

"Liam," Dan whispered to me, "Tell him to stop that."

"I don't control him."I pointed out.

"Please," Dan begged.

I sigh, "Do you have to be so hard on him?"I asked Brady.

Brady shook his head, "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

I nodded and he grabbed me by the wrist to lead me to the kitchen, "You know that I like you and would do anything for you but this guy doesn't know anything about songwriting."

"I can see that."I agreed, "But he really needs this, Brady. I would just hate it to see his dream gets shattered because we can't help him."

"I don't know how else to help him."He said awkwardly.

"At least try to be more understanding towards him, "I suggested.

"I'll try."He muttered and the both of us walked out of the kitchen to see Dan tooling around with Brady's piano.

"You should get this cleaned," Dan said.

"Are you offering?"Brady asked while looking for something in the drawer of the trophy shelf.

"What are you searching for?"Dan asked annoyingly but Brady just ignored it and continued searching.

"I wrote this when I almost auditioned."Brady handed Dan the piece of paper, "It needs some tweaks if you're going to play it on the violin but other than that, it's better that you have it rather than it going to waste."

"Wow," Dan examined the piece of paper, "This is beautiful."

"Go ahead and play it."Brady suggested.

"Can you do it first?"Dan asked, "I just want to hear what it sounds like before I play it."

"I-uh-"He turned to me and I gave him a small nod, "Fine."Brady sighed and sat down on the piano seat, "I wrote it a long time ago so it may sound a little bit...What's the word? Happy I think."

He wiped out the dust from the piano and started pressing on the keys. I was surprised at how fast the song started. Brady was right, the song was just happy and it sounded like something out of a Disney movie and it quickly turned into what sounded like 60s club music but not exactly like it. It was magical and seemed to bring the whole room to life as Dan and I started to dance at it.

It was the way that Brady moved his hands that made me saw something new about him. The smile that grew on him as he played was something I never thought would bring joy to me.

The song ended not soon later and the smile was attached to my face but he had his serious face back on not soon later.

"Now, can you play that?"Brady asked Dan.

"Not like that but I can try."Dan nodded.

Brady stood up and gave Dan a chance to play his violin.

"Hey, "I whispered to Brady, "Playing the piano suits you."

"You think so?"Brady smiled at me, "I have only played it twice in four years and you're the reason for both of it so you better enjoy it."

"Thank you for helping him out, "I said while Dan was distracted by the instrument.

"Anytime."He shrugged, "But you do owe me. Maybe I can finally take you out on our first date."

"We're been on our first date before."I rolled my eyes.

"A little lower on that part."Brady instructed Dan and turned to me, "Technically I just took Josh's place because I felt guilty, that doesn't make it a date."

"His name was Jake and what about that ice cream place yesterday?"I said.

"I was thinking more candlelight dinner and all of those other adults' stuff."He explained, "I am an adult if you forgot."

"Fine, "I chuckled, "You can take me out, big guy."

"Maybe a little faster on this part," Brady suggested Dan and turned to me before smiling.


Brady had a call to make and left Dan and me on the couch.

"Brady is a great guy." Dan said out nowhere, "You really don't know how much I appreciate you guys doing this for me."

"Yeah, he is."I agreed, "He just keeps on surprising me."

"You guys make a great couple."He added with a grin, "My single ass is kinda jealous of that."

"Oh come on."I chuckled, "Don't tell me that no one has ever tried to score you."

"I am not an object to score."He said as if he was hurt by it, "And people do but I kinda have my eyes at one person right now."He looked deeply into my eyes.

There was tension between us as the both of us were quiet and I tried to tell him that it was not okay but couldn't get any words out.

"Oh, "I muttered under my breath, "I think that you're great Dan but I'm with Brady and-"

"Woah," He burst out of laughter, "I didn't mean you."

"Oh, thank god."I sighed, "Who is it?"

"You know her," Dan said.

"Tess?"I guessed.

"What? Gross, no."He said in a disgusted tone, "It's Laurel actually. I know that I don't have a chance with her but being friends with her for so long, I just realized how I truly feel about her."

"How long were you guys friends for?"I asked.

"I don't really know."He answers honestly, "12 years, maybe."

"You should be telling her all of this."I encourage, "What if she feels the same way?"

"What if she doesn't and it ruins our entire relationship?"He said worriedly.

"Hey, Liam, your father called."Brady came out from the other room," He said that he wanted to do some father and son bonding or whatever."

"Yeah, okay."I said to Brady and stood up, "Talk to her."I encourage Dan.

Deputy HuttonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora