Rocks Can Dance (Update)

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August 13, 2023: New administrative update on this sequel! As many of you are aware, I've been working towards posting Rocks Can Dance since I wrapped up White Crystal Butterflies in early 2021. It's been a hot minute. But I finally have a few announcements to make on that front, and a concrete posting timeline. 

The first thing I need to say is that I've decided to post Rocks Can Dance as a Patreon exclusive rather than bringing it to Wattpad. Why? There are a few reasons, but one of my top considerations is Wattpad's recent steps towards dabbling with AI. As things stand, I have no way of directly protecting my work from this except paywalling it, which I have no desire to do on Wattpad. I'm not pulling down my current Wattpad books (yet), but I'm taking precautions with future ones, and this is one of them. 

Another consideration is the way my current exclusivity contract with Wattpad works. I can't post this book anywhere off Wattpad until July 2024, but if I post it on Wattpad in that time, they get certain rights to it that I don't want to be locked down for. So I'm waiting out my contract anyway, which means I might as well switch platforms while I'm at it. 

The end result is that Rocks Can Dance will be launching on my Patreon on August 2nd, 2024. That's another year out, I know. But it'll give me time to finish and polish the book, whose momentum has suffered from my being in grad school until last December, then working two jobs since then. I've dropped my Patreon link in the comments, if you're interested in subscribing early!

Thanks for your understanding, and for bearing with me on this. My writing journey is a long one, and hasn't always left space for all the things I'd like to be working on. And sometimes WTF-ery like AI gets in the way. I'm figuring things out as I go, which I guess is the best any of us can do, really.

Stay awesome, y'all.


White Crystal Butterflies is complete, but finishing it left me with a feeling that there was another story to be told, both in this world and with these characters

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White Crystal Butterflies is complete, but finishing it left me with a feeling that there was another story to be told, both in this world and with these characters. I saw more questions to ask, more questions to answer, more places to explore, and of course, many interpersonal dynamics to give life to on the page. As such, I finished this book and then immediately started planning another that does all of that and much, much more. 

That book is Rocks Can Dance. While technically a sequel to this one, it can also be read alone, with White Crystal Butterflies as a backstory. It's a much deeper dive into the sociopolitical implications of the findings made in this book, and if you're a romance fan, well... let's just say that you might not be disappointed  ;)

Here is a sneak peek:

Here is a sneak peek:

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