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❝ violent delights ❞

☆ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN ☆❝ violent delights ❞

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Circa 1676

    It was a sad day, the night Mr Willoughby died.

The aura of the room was tense, you could feel the pressure lingering in the air. It weighed them down until they felt the oxygen running out. Only cries were echoing in the room, lamenting the death of their father.

Beside the death bed, sat Viola Willoughby, the oldest sister. Her face remained calm and composed the way she was taught. She had to keep it together and be strong; she would take any sacrifice it took in order to keep her family safe and sound.

To her right sat her sister, Perdita, crying inconsolably over her father's passing. She clung over her sister's side, grief pouring out her heart. Viola, of course, consoled her and tried to tell her everything was alright.

    To her left sat her youngest sister, Mireya. She wasn't crying as much as Perdita, but was shedding more tears than Viola. The two had a hand interlaced with each other, but the only sound coming out of her was the sound of her short breaths and not of her silent tears.

    The three sisters could not have been anymore different yet it didn't matter. They were the only family they got, they only ones left to salvage the remains of their family name. Viola knew Mireya was holding back on her tears, wanting to appear strong as her, but she said nothing, she had to cope with her own ways.

    Over the course of the days, the pressure overwhelmed the sisters but action needed to be taken if they wanted to keep their home and each other.

Parties were hosted in the Manor in search of suitors for the girls. Each one had something the other lacked, charm, money, personality; there was always something missing. Every single one became infatuated with the Willoughby girls.

Each sister was a delight that held their own. Viola with her wit. Perdita with her sweetness. Mireya with her compassion.

    However, Viola didn't think any man was good for them. She taught her sisters to have self-respect and know their worth and although it was a wicked world they lived in, the only thing that would keep them afloat was their love for each other and themselves.

    The day their distant cousin Arthur Lloyd, Viola instructed Mireya to keep an eye out for Perdita and Arthur and make sure everything went smoothly. Mireya adorned Viola and did as she was asked. Though she couldn't shake the feeling that Arthur's arrival was going to change their little world.

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