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A firm and scary voice speaks behind her, sending shivers down her spine.

A voice she had never heard before, but she still recognized it.

She turns around to see none other than the owner of this diary.

Park Jimin.

He came out in just a bathrobe, while his hair dripped water. He just came out from bathing.

His eyes were terrifying. As if he'll kill her any moment. 

But Y/n wasn't scared. She was rather happy. Happy to see some kind of emotion on his face for the first time, even if it was of hate. 

She smiles looking at those changes in his expression.

Jimin taken aback by her reaction.

Jimin- You're insane. 

She smiles, even more, getting to listen to his angelic voice, even if it was full of rejection.

This annoys Jimin even more. He dashes towards her and snatches away the diary. He then places the diary back on the table with so much care as if it's some delicacy.

He then turns towards Y/n again and holds her jaws with so much force. He pushes her against the wall and keeps on increasing the force with which he was holding her jaw.

Jimin- What do you think you're doing here?

Y/n- Ji-jimin aahh


He screams at her face.

Y/n- I-I came here to g-give you your n-notebook.

Jimin- Really? Then why didn't you just put it on the table and LEAVE??!!

She had no answers to his questions. He was right. She could have just left but she planned on invading his privacy. 

Y/n- Jimin you don't need to torture yourself like this.

His hand leaves her jaw and pushes both of her wrists against the wall on either side of her. Y/n's heartrate accelerates at this close proximity.

Jimin-  Wae? You're worried about me? Who do you think you are to order me like that, huh? WHAT DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT ME?

Y/n- I don't know much, that's why I want to know you more. 

Jimin- Why would you want to know me more huh? YOU'RE CRAZY!!

Y/n- I want to help you-

Jimin- SHUT UP!!

He pushes away Y/n on the floor.

Jimin- Don't you know I'm a monster?? Don't you have any mercy for yourself?

Y/n- No Jimin no. You aren't a monster. You're just broken and you don't know that you do need someone by your side.


He throws a vase towards her. She misses it and the vase breaks into pieces on the floor.

Y/n- You need to move on Jimin! You need to stop hurting yourself! Even that girl won't like seeing you suffer!

Jimin- Get out of my sight before I lose control. 

Y/n- Jimin listen to me-


Y/n finds it dangerous to stay even longer. He won't listen to her this easily. So she finally gets up and finds her way out of the house.

Jimin was left with too many thoughts. This girl fascinated him too much. 

What does she think of herself? Who gave her the right to invade in my life like this? I'm a monster. I'm a psycho. An outcast. I don't need anyone. Why would she want to help me? Why does she care? Why did she bother herself with me? She's insane. I would have killed her but I don't how I managed to control myself.

Time Skip

At school's canteen.

Y/n and Rose get on their usual seat.

Rose keeps talking but Y/n was dozed off. The scene from the day before kept on revolving in her mind. No matter how hard Jimin tried to show hatred and anger towards her, she still managed to see the inner pain. This was killing her more and more from inside. She had never seen someone so devastated and broken. This kept on bothering her.

Rose- Y/N!!

She suddenly comes out of her thoughts at Rose's loud voice.

Rose- Where are you? Are you even listening?

Y/n- Sorry, I was dozed off.

Rose- Now tell me, what happened at Jimin's house?

Y/n- Don't worry. It's all fine.

Suddenly Rose's eyes fall on Y/n's jawline, which she's been hiding by her hair since the morning. She leans towards Y/n  and takes her hair completely out of the way.

Rose- What's this? Did he hurt you? Why didn't you tell me before? That monster!! Imma kill him.

Y/n holds Rose's wrist before she can make her way towards Jimin.

Y/n- No Rose. He's not a monster. In fact, he's going through so much pain that you can never imagine. He really needs someone. Someone to stop him from torturing himself.


Y/n- Yes Rose. After knowing about him more, the craving to help him has increased.

Rose- You're insane Y/n. Why would take the risk of helping such a psycho who literally hurt you?

Y/n- I'm going to become a psychologist in the future. What would I do then if I get someone like him as my client. Will I just give up because he's dangerous?

Rose- But Y/n why are you going out of the line to help someone who doesn't want it?

Y/n- He does Rose. He does. He wants help but he's unwilling to accept it. And after knowing his condition, I just can't stop myself now. No one can stop me from doing my duty. Not even you. I'm sorry. I'm willing to get hurt if that means that he'll be fine.

With that Y/n gets off the seat and moves away. Rose sighs in defeat.

Rose- If you're so determined to help him, I won't stop you. But I just wish that you won't fall into his trap.





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