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Akane's pov

"You guys want what?" I squinted my eyes while eating out from a box of cereal with coffee

"Spar with us for few hours, for a warm up before we train Megumi and Nobara ...also for you to eat more healthy" Panda said putting away the box that had coffee and cereal in it to a garbage can outside my dorm

"Rude, also why are you guys up so early??" I groaned getting out being blinded by the sun

"It's noon..."


"Woww...seriously...?" Toge gave me a cup of coffee and croissant wow I won't mind marrying him even if all he can say are rice ball recipes

"Oh we were told to bring these if we want something, so are you ready Akane-chan?" Panda huffed while they put down their water bottles and such.
Ohh cappuccino with caramel and whipped cream, chocolate shavings~

I got out of my dorm and boy do they looks esthetic it's terrifying

"Alright, spill out my drink or croissant, and you win. I won't use any cursed energy, but time it takes for me to finish both of these is your time limit " I asked while taking a sip of my drink


Maki got her katana out, Toge opened his collar zipper, while Panda went on an offense stance

Well alright then

Maki went up to me first, skillfully trying to slice my drink in half. Seriously that family of hers is insane, how can her twin say she's a loser??
I jumped up when she slide her foot in attempts to trip me only panda to lunge forward

Everything slowed, I had to throw both my drink and my snack up high to the air, using but a second I grabbed Panda's sides and pushed my self upward to chase it. The second they were in my hands, I used his back to jump up to a tree while drinking my coffee

And all was sped up once more

"Stay still"

His voice rang making me quickly bite my tongue to avoid this ring and duck my head as he swung his leg over me before tripping him, which sent him falling
I pulled out my bleeding tongue and flipped him off which made his eyes twitch

Oop? I hear wind change and twirled myself to another tree branch while seeing her on one end with her blade stuck on the bark where I was, she immediately pulled it out and we danced around~

Well I was, she was basically trying to kill me at this point, while I taunt by snacking

She eventually threw her katana straight in my stomach, and Panda showed up behind me throwing me down by the katana that was going through me

"Open hands"


When I did so, I kicked those things high up to the air distracting them for a second when I arrived at the ground I grabbed rocks to throw to their foreheads, then jumped back up finished my treats

"Wow! Good job guys~ gold star" I cheered throwing away the empty cup
Toge was eating some his cough drops, it must've been tiring having to use 2 in a short time...

"Hmph no fair, you keep throwing them up!" Panda huffed while I do some quick stretching

"And you guys keep missing it, you guys need to take everything in a fight into consideration or you might pass up opportunities"

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