Chapter 16

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It's been a month since Namjoon's and Misoo's deep conversation.

Jeon Jungkook's pov

It has been probably one and half month since Misoo noona joined bighit, and I really can't be happier.

She's so inspiring sometimes. Whenever she handles both hyung and mine's makeup and outfits in the given time, or when she tries to add her own style to the outfits to make it nicer or whenever she tries to encourage us.

I still remember that incident when she directly looked into my eyes and made me understand.


Jungkook had to perform Euphoria on an award show because it was nominated for an award.

He had practiced the choreography for innumerable times because he didn't want to do any mistake on stage.

After getting styled by Misoo who sent her own set of "All the best" words and "I can't wait to see your performance", Jungkook was more than ready to perform with lots of enthusiasm.

But life always doesn't go how you want it to go.

Everything was going well and Jungkook had completed two thirds of the song when he felt a sudden cramp on his left thigh which resulted him to fall down.

But his reflexes were sharp enough and he stood up again to do the choreography while showing a okay symbol with his hand.

He still had a painful cramp on his thigh but he still chose to perform because the happiness of army was much more than the pain for Jungkook.

After finishing the performance, when he stepped into the dressing room and sat on his chair, he leaned down on the desk while sobbing about how the performance wasn't good at all.

Every member came by to make him understand that it was totally okay, and that was just for fraction of seconds while a nurse was spraying the pain relief spray on his thigh.

Then the staff announced how they have to get prepared in the next 15 minutes for their performance, and everyone shattered after consoling Jungkook again.

He was silent all this while when everyone talked and then Misoo went towards Namjoon first for the hair and makeup and then came to him.

When he say Misoo coming towards him, he couldn't stop looking towards his own thighs to avoid making eye contact with her.

She started her work while jungkook looked here and there.

"I am sorry noona."

"What happened sir why are you sorry?"

"You were so excited to watch my performance but I totally ruined it today."

"Why are you saying like that Sir? The performance was awesome, I watched it live from this TV.", She pointed towards the big TV in the dressing room.

"But still I fell down during my performance and destroyed the whole performance", while saying this Jungkook couldn't stop his tears from coming out.

When she saw him cry, she didn't think anything and sat on the floor to look into his eyes while trying to explain him.

"Listen to me very carefully Jungkook, I really know how much you love perfection, but every single thing have a flaw. Sometimes it's too big for people to neglect it and sometimes it's too small for people to notice it. I am flawed too. Even you are. You are ought to make mistakes jungkook. You made a very small mistake that is negligible for everyone but you took it very personally.

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