Chapter - 7

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Thanks to justcallmesival for helping me out with the chapter.

Crystal's POV 

I stared at the Adonis in a daze, it seemed like I  had a connection with him; knew him from somewhere but couldn't recall. 

   “Hi! I am here to pick up the cake for Mr. Gracia.” A deep raspy voice said, making her breath hitch silently.

 A pair of dark brooding eyes met my gaze, washing over with a dark intensity that froze my body behind the counter. The man stood in front of me at 6’4 towering over, my gaze already having snapped up meeting his chocolate eyes. His strong rigid jawline made him have an aura of sternness about him, only to be contradicted by his soft pouty lips. A few strands of his dark brown wavy hair fell into his face giving yet another soft contrast to the hard features of his handsome face. He wore a loose black sweater that only slightly clung to a lithe muscular body, leaving much to the imagination to be desired. My eyes traveled lower to the worn blue jeans that hung just right around his waist, allowing myself to secretly gawk at the length of his legs. This man could only be found in the privateness of a girl's dream, his appearance possibly being in line for later that night.

  “Umm” the mysterious man stated.
 Snapping my trance, “I’m sorry... What?”
 “The cake for Mr. Gracia?”

 “Oh! Yeah, just a minute.” I replied.

I scurried towards the shelves where we kept the cakes packed ready to be delivered. Checking the tags I brought out a soft blue box where in bold handwriting the name MR.GRACIA was written. I handed him the box, his fingers slightly brushing over mine sending a shiver through my body. Starled I looked at him, to find him frowning where our fingers touched. I quickly withdrew my hands, breaking his stare. 

 “Cool. Thanks” he replied, giving another heart melting smile.

And with that the brooding gaze was gone.


Waterford University is one of the prestigious and top institutes having a distinguished alumni. Our students have not excelled in social standards but have also proved themselves to be an asset to the society. 

We offer various courses ranging from Masters in Literature,.......

I was currently staring at the website of the university that Jay talked about. The business management program was pretty good and interesting with a reputed faculty. I was contemplating whether to join or not. It would be a very good opportunity and career path for me if I want to continue living among the humans. 

I wished Mama or Carla were here, they give the best advice and know me like the back of their hand. I wonder how Mama is holding up, I decided to try and call Melanie to inquire about the situation. I had changed my number after I left the pack so that nobody could contact me, only Melanie has my new number. 

I dialed Melanie's number and waited. She picked up after three rings but the voice that greeted wasn't the voice I expected. 

"Hello?" Gemma's voice asked over the phone.

My heart was beating frantically upon hearing her voice. I instantly ended the call, and flinged the phone onto the table. So many thoughts running through my mind - What was Gemma doing there? Do they know where I am? Do they hate me? Was my number saved in Melanie's phone? Was Melanie ok? 

A soft knock on the bedroom door broke my hyer-ventilating thoughts. Gabrielle peeked through the door with a small smile, which instantly dropped upon seeing my broken expression. 

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