Chapter one

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"Faster! Focus and god damnit keep your pace steady!"

Elliot was training with Talia. The day after I found him I found Talia too lost, broken. I couldn't lose them no matter what I tried. Elliot was just twelve years old when I found him but he looked like a seven year old. I found out he was bastard son of the beta whilst his mom was an omega. His father hated him beyond measures and found ways to turn the pack against him. He told me they would beat him for the littlest of things and eventually the mother hung herself because she couldn't handle the beatings.

Talia on the other hand comes from the humans. She herself is human. I found struggling to survive in the forest. Something about her just made me want to protect her delicate heart.

Now here they were training. I eventually settled for the human life. Our scents we masked and I took every precaution to make sure we were never found again. Not by them

I bought a cottage on the outskirts of a town. Blue Hill Valleys. It was a hidden little haven that we settled into.
It gave us much needed privacy and freedom. Although people here were very friendly and tight knitted, they mostly kept to themselves.

Talia and Elliot grew into confident, courageous and skilled fifteen year olds. And I of course am their twenty one year old guardian.

"Elliot don't tur-"
And down he went. I sighed, annoyed to the brim. "How many time have i told you never to turn your back on your opponent."

Talia laughed at him as he sat with a scowl on the floor.
"Fifty times." He mumbled getting back on his feet.

"It will do you no good to be cocky. Always secure your opponent to make sure they don't get back up again." I sighed frustrated. "C'mon, I need to get back to work in a few and you guys need to be at school. Go feed yourselvs."

Of course in a mundane town we need to stick to their human laws. The kids attended the highschool in the middle of town whilst I worked through the shifts in the Bar.

Of course tending to the drunken bastards of Blue Valley Hill was sickening. Men twice my age groping and touching me inappropriately whilst girls younger then Talia continue drop their panties after on vile, disgusting compliment.

"Whiskey on the rocks," a man in a black suit said as he sat.

I eyes him skeptically. Not many people come in looking like him. "Coming right up."
"Thank you, Scarlett"

I stopped in my tracks. An emotion that I haven't felt in four years struck into me then and there.

"It's been a while. What five years? You look good. More mature but I guess that is to be expected isn't it?" My body sagged in relief. But that relief left as quickly as it came when another emotion consumed me whole. Guilt.

"Theodore, hi," was my pathetic reply.
"Scarlett, I've been looking for you for years now."
I turned around with a sheepish smile,"yet here you are."

He looked up, his comforting crystal blue eyes seizing my dull green as captive. His face constructed to make even the darkest of hearts light up again at the sight of his charming boyish like smile paired with his dirty blonde hair.

He stood up fixing his black suit jacket, "Here I am."

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