12. I Want to Eat YOU (Em)

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   So, I'm crouching in the middle of the hallway which is crowded with people, all of them staring curiously at me.

   I'm completely helpless in one of the most embarrassing situations I've ever experienced in my entire life, depending on the mercy of my bratty friend.

   I'm holding the chin of the cutest boy in the world on the palm of my hand, extremely aroused and on the verge of freaking out.

   Lucky is definitely taking his time to help me and there's no doubt that he's doing it on purpose. I'm glaring at him, but my dissaproval of his nasty ways has never bothered him. 

   Seconds pass and I'm losing patiense when he finally decides that I've had enough of this absurd punishment and stops smirking and enjoying my misery.

   He goes to Jamie and quickly explains in his year. Both approach. Jamie clicks his tongue, shaking his head reproachfully. Oh, really! Traitor!

   They carefully remove Sunny's backpack from his shoulder and give it to me. Then slowly lift him by the arms, observing closely if he hurts somewhere. Thankfully, he's fine.

   I stand up, holding the backpack in front of me as a shield and frowning at the tattooed dickhead who seems very pleased with his actions. I happen to love him and this always saves his ass from being kicked when he gets on my nerves.

   "I think we gave enough spectacles to the crowd today," Lucky grunts, rolling his eyes. "Let's eat."

   After a short visit to the restroom for some hard splashing with cold water, my dignity is saved and I'm all good. 

   We head to a small restaurant, hidden in a side street, ten minutes away from the University. We chat casually and walk slowly because Sunny is limping a little. He did hurt his ankle after all, but firmly refuses something to be done about it, claiming that it's not a big deal. Emma is supporting him with an arm round his waist. I'm carrying his backpack on my shoulder and definitely want to be in her place. 

    He's still shy but much more relaxed than before and even tells us about his trip from Japan and his first impressions of Europe. Jamie teases him about his accent and he starts laughing. I love it when he laughs. I can bathe in his soft laughter and listen to the cute way he pronounces the words forever. My fingers are itching to burry in his silky hair.

   I'm obviously staring because Jamie elbows me with a sneer and whispers in my ear, "Close your mouth, dude. You're going to catch a fly."

   We arrive at the restaurant. It's one of my favorite places. I especially chose it for my first lunch with Sunny. I'm romantic, you know. And I want to imress him.

   White wooden tables are scattered in a garden, tucked between trees and colorful blooming bushes. Each is surrounded by white, two-person canopy swings on all four sides, piled with colorful throw pillows with prints of sea stars, sea horses and fish in Mediterranean style. Big sea shell wind chimes and dream catchers are dangling from the trees, lightly rattling in the gentle breeze.

   Our table is in the far end of the garden, away from the other customers. 

   Upon reaching it, Lucky and Jamie sprawl, each on a swing. I don't like it because Sunny will probably sit with Emma this way. I raise my brows at Lucky and, with a quick wag of the head, show him that he needs to move and make room for Emma. He frowns a little but obliges. The sneaker obviously badly wants that party. 

   So, Sunny sits with me, buried in the pillows, with his thigh pressed to mine. Cool! 

   We are given the menus and he looks kind of lost in the endless list of dishes.

   "What do you usually like to eat?" I ask him, making tremendous efforts not to jump him and sqeeze the air out of his lungs in my arms. 

   He shrugs his shoulders.

   "わんこそば (Wanko soba)*, 鉄火巻き (tekkamaki)**..."

   I look at him with wide eyes and he starts to giggle. Wow, Japanese is very sexy, especially coming out of these pink lips.

   "... and I lo-o-ve 生菓子 (Namagashi).***"

   I scowl at him but the smile is crawling on my face. The boy is teasing me. He's laughing and I can't help but join him. He's so-o-o cute!

   "I'm sorry! I was just kidding. I'll have some sea food pasta," he says, looking at me remorsefully. "Most of the dishes on the menu are unfamiliar to me. I'll need some time to get used to the local food. What do you want to eat?" he asks, tilting his head.

   Our eyes meet and I can't stop gazing at his beautiful, dark brown irises. He's biting his lip and it does things to me.

   "I want to eat YOU," I blurt before being able to stop myself. 

   I mentally palm my face. What an idiot!

   I expect him to be startled and overwhelmed, but he isn't. I see the blush, spreading on his cheeks, but he doesn't avert his eyes. His lips part and he flicks his tongue over them, taking a sharp breath.

   "I'll cook for you the dishes I like sometimes," he smiles shakily.

   All I can think is, when he does, what would be the dessert.


*Japanese noodle dish

**Tuna sushi roll

***Raw sweets


Hello everyone who reached the end of Chapter 12.

Sunny can be funny, right?😁

What do you think of his interraction with Em?

I hope you liked seeing things from Em's perspective.

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See you in the next chapter.

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Love: Anny 

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