Prologue (Over 250 years ago...)

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Illys rubbed her hands together and edged closer to the bright fire in the den. She had goosebumps all over her skin from the winter cold. Where is everyone? she pondered. Did they get caught in a battle? Oh, no...

"Come on!" "Oh, my days, I swear I'm going to freeze to death out here!" "Stop stepping on my feet!" Illys tensed, but then she realized that all the voices were female. There weren't many females in the armies of the warring countries. So, this could only mean that this was Team A of the Female Peace Legion, present for a meeting with Illys, their leader.

"Come inside!" Illys called to them. She was so happy that they were alive. The more people inside the den, the warmer it would be. Five young females entered the den: Donna, a thin, expressionless woman with hard silver eyes and a tight black bun who had been a part of Illys' team since the dawn of time. Jen, a muscular woman with brown-blond hair and fierce, dark brown eyes. She cared the most about discipline and fighting skills and was the most ferocious out of Team A. Sophia, a curly brown-haired, hazel-eyed, stealthy person who was often sent on spying missions by Illys. Ella, Sophia's blond, bright-blue-eyed sister who had just recently joined the peace legion. And Annabell, an ex-nurse in the Ersian army, who now served as a nurse in the Female Peace Legion and had exceptional hearing. But Maria...the messenger...

"Girls," Illys said, "Girls, where is Maria?" Jen hissed angrily. "The idiot tried to be all daredevilish, delivering a letter to the Male Legion through a battle. She got killed. But after the warriors left, Sophia took the letter and delivered it to the boys. Ugh, I can't believe the stupidity of people these days..." Disbelief nearly knocked Illys out of her chair. "How can Maria be dead, Jen?" she cried. "She was your best student!" Jen snorted a laugh. "To everyone's face, yes. But in our private sessions, she was a shy and weak worm." "Maybe it's because you're very intimidating and a horrible teacher," Donna offered, proceeding to stare at her nails. "Why, you-"

"PEOPLE!" Illys said loudly, fighting back the tears that were building because of Maria's reported death. "People, we are part of the Peace Legion. Which means we cannot start a war among ourselves!" "Well, if this Donna continues to say stupid things, there will be a war," Jen snarled. "No, there won't be," Illys said firmly. "We will stay at peace. If you would like to participate in a war, go join the army."

"Maybe we should all go help in the war," Ella said. "I mean, what can two hundred people do against hundreds of thousands of soldiers and two bloodthirsty kings?" "A lot, Ella," Sophia said. "We talked about this. If we work together, we can use trickery and other things to convince the kings into a peace treaty." Annabell had a frown on her face. "You guys," she said in a hushed voice, "Can you hear the footsteps? And the coughs?" Illys strained her ears, but all she heard was the shrieking wind. Then...there! A wheezing cough, followed by the sound of staggering footsteps. The sounds were barely audible, nearly completely covered by the sounds of the storm. 

"Anna...what do you think that is?" Ella asked, fear clear in her voice. Illys sometimes questioned her decision of letting the girl who would rather spend all day in front of a mirror into a serious peace legion.

The coughing and footsteps seemed to be approaching. "A spy," Jen said, her gaze fixed on the entrance to the den. She went over to the weapon wall and snatched off a saber. "Oh, by the stars..." Donna muttered. "I don't want the stench of rotten flesh here! We don't have to kill the spy, Jen!" Jen ignored the black-haired woman. She crouched at the entrance, saber lifted to chop off the person's head. A moment of silence. Then...

A shape shot into the den. Jen brought down the saber, but it was too late, and the blade merely scratched the person's shoe. 

The person was breathing in broken, ragged breaths. It was a man, but nobody from the Male Peace Legion, or else Illys would've recognized him. He wore the dark blue uniform of an Ersian soldier. His hair was covered in frost. His blue-grey eyes were a little open, and his lips were blue and purple. "Great," Jen grumbled. "It's a spy, and he found our hideout, thanks to the stupid fire, and now he will report back to his king. We should kill him." 

"Wait," the soldier rasped, sitting up. Illys found her heart twisting in pity. "I want to join the Peace Legion. I hate our king because he agreed to start this war, this war that killed two of my three brothers and my father. Let me be a member of you guys!" Ella crouched beside him. Illys felt jealousy course through her for some reason. "Oh," she said sympathetically. "The Male Legion headquarters is so far away..." "As I said, let's kill him," Jen said. "Shut up," Donna snapped. "He can be a male spy for us. The boys at their headquarters have enough spies. We don't." Jen looked at Donna as if she would gladly stab her with the saber.

"Let me stay with you," he said hoarsely. "Please." Illys smiled down at him. "I'm Illys," she said. He smiled weakly back. "I'm Salvador," he said. "Nice to meet you," Illys said, extending her hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ella scowl and stand up. "Nice to meet you, too," Salvador responded, shaking her hand. 

This guy will be very helpful. He will be our friend. He will help us stop this stupid, accursed war. He will help us craft new ideas. 

Your playtime is over, kings. 



Hi everyone! Here are just some things I want to clear up for anyone confused:

The two warring countries are called Ersia and Fylonia. Most of the members of the Male and Female legions are from Ersia, but some are from Fylonia. The Ersian king is called Ruben and the Fylonian king is called Janival.

The Peace Legion stopped the war by sending letters requesting a peace treaty that looked as if they were sent from the kings to each other. Using some intricate language and several other tricks, the kings stopped fighting and went from enemies to allies.

Some of you might be asking: if there is a Female Legion and a Male Legion, how do they give birth to the next generation if both of the legions consist of just one gender? Well, people from the two legions meet and get to know each other and marry, and that is how the next generation comes into existence.

The characters featured in the prologue are members of the first generation of the Peace Legion. Each legion is split into seven teams. Each team consists of seven people: six commoners and one boss. Then, there is the prime boss, the boss of the whole legion. Illys was the boss of the entire female legion and Team A.

Hopefully, that's enough information for you! Leave any other questions you have in the comments below!


The Moonlight on my Faceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें