Season 1: Chapter 9

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I slowly regain my consciousness as I heard the sound of my breathing. What happened to me? Why did I passed out that time? I clearly remembered that I did nothing to Maximilien that time so why did I lost consciousness?

Ah, it's really frustrating!

"Miss is finally awake!" I was surprised by Lina's cry

I looked around and saw many people in front of me.

And even more surprised when people suddenly came here. Annoying...

"My daughter!"

I suddenly smiled when I saw mom. Maybe she was very worried about me.

"I'm glad that you're safe" she cupped my face and I can see her worried expression.

I hugged her so I can say that I'm okay.

"It must be tough for you" I was startled when father suddenly spoke

Why is he here? I doubt that he cares about me. An unknown person is also here, Neron and Arthur, and seriously, Max? Forget it, as long as Mother, and the others are here it made me happy.

"What happened to me?" I asked

"I believe that you had just awaken your magic, Miss" said the light-blue haired middle aged man

"And you are?" I asked

"I'm the Imperial magician, you can call me Letto, my lady. I was ordered by the emperor to heal you but I found out that you had just awaken your magic" he answered

Awaken my magic? That's absurd, I didn't have any magic in my past life. Only Ivellina has magic, and she inherited the magic of Lascena family, the bloodlust eyes.

Our red eyes is the proof that we are a Lacsena. Our eyes will beam and create a dark and eerie aura that can intimidate people just by looking at them. The inheritor of the magic of our eyes will passed by each generations. Father is the one who inherit the bloodlust eyes and he is a manipulator.

The function of the eyes will determine by a sequence; Ze, In, Pi, and Mon. Ze is the ability to see everything inside 300 meter radius. It can also zoom in everything like a microscope. In is the ability to see things even though it was covered or kept in a box. It is used to see-through objects that are not seen. For example, you can use In to see what's inside the box. Next is Pi, Pi is an ability of a pictographic memory. He can clearly recall the scenery in his mind and can even draw a whole art just by looking at it in one second. Its user's memory didn't last, as long as he lives. And lastly, the Mon. Mon is the ability to manipulate other people's mind just by looking at their eyes, it was the very dangerous yet powerful ability of our eyes.

Lascena who inherit the Mon ability had a hard time to properly use it. Some of them died because the power backfired in them. They lost their insanity because they didn't properly controlled their power. But Father was one of those who succeeded in controlling it, I heard a rumour before that he was first undergo harsh trainings and tortures in order to master the ability.

I can't possibly inherit the bloodlust eyes, this generation will be the ability of Ze, it's pretty good ability. But what magic do I have?

"You are a spell caster, my lady" the Letto said

Everyone in the room gasps on what they heard. Wtf, I'm really a witch! This is bad...

The Villainess's Rebirth(Full English version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang