Chapter 7

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Live on zoom:

Alma: okay, everyone I am here. Just going to wait for everyone to come on. Okay, okay. There is so many people, great.

Alma: I just want to mention that I am in a dance studio, so I wasn't able to sit in my normal set up, now we just got to wait for Bryce to come on and that's all

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Alma: I just want to mention that I am in a dance studio, so I wasn't able to sit in my normal set up, now we just got to wait for Bryce to come on and that's all.

Alma: bring on some questions for me.

Fan: okay, I'm so sorry because I am so excited about meeting you.

Alma: that's all fine, love.

When a fan was going to ask a question when Bryce entered in the sway house with Josh.

Fan: Do you want to go to college or do you want to go to university?

Alma: I would love to be able to go university but I like being an influential presence.

Bryce: hey guys, sorry I am late. Josh is here with me so feel free to ask him anything if you like.

Alma: next question. Okay, *clicking on ipad* My random wheel of your names *shows iPad to the screen.*  okay, *random fan name*

Fan: this question has stuck in my head forever Alma but what is Dixie really like?

Alma: um, I can say Dixie is the sweetest girl to ever know, she is just so kind and does a lot of things for other people and does not treat herself.

Bryce: also you are the same way. Super kind and sweet. Friends rub off on each other.

Alma: okay, okay, let's see what other people are here.

Somebody in Alma's camera: what's up lil shawty?

A man stood at the camera with a girl and they both wore workout clothes

Alma: come on my zoom meeting and meet the fans

They both sat on the couch

Alma: these are my dance friends, Jena and Connor

All the fans whispering.

Jena: ¿Qué diablos Alma? esta competencia de baile es importante para mí, en lugar de eso, estás holgazaneando. puedes ser Becky por lo que a mí respecta, pero tienes que dejar de ser una estúpida puta y salir al estudio y bailar hasta el fondo para que Jackie no te robe tu solo que debería haber sido legítimamente mío ¡PUTA!

English translation: What the hell Alma? This dance competition is important to me, instead you are lazing around. You can be Becky as far as I'm concerned, but you have to stop being a stupid whore and go out into the studio and dance to the bottom so that Jackie doesn't steal your solo that should have been rightfully mine BITCH!

Alma: Oh Dios mío! me llamaste puta, no me acuesto con chicos al azar por dinero y engaño a Connor porque tus sentimientos fueron heridos porque a él le agradaba otra persona. Deja de fisgonear en mi vida y si alguna vez vuelves a hablar conmigo.

English translation: Oh my God! You called me a whore, I don't sleep with random guys for money and I don't cheat on Connor because your feelings were hurt because he liked someone else. Stop snooping into my life and if you ever talk to me again.

Jena: Sí claro. Eres un influncer famoso y un azadón por todo eso. Tenía un sueño de ser bailarina y te eligieron. eres gordo y estúpido.

English translation: Yeah right. You are a famous influncer and a hoe for all of that. I had a dream of being a dancer and you were chosen. you are fat and stupid.

Alma: Sal de mi video y el sofá tendrá noticias de esto.
English translation: Get off my video and the coach will hear about this.

Jena ran off while Connor was about to stand up until

Connor: Puta de mierda y prostituta. ganar dinero con tu argumento como la perra que eres.

English translation: Fucking whore and prostitute. make money with your argument like the bitch that you are.

She flipped him off while catched an upset Jena 

Alma: I'm so sorry about that but I really got to go. If you want refunds, I can do it but I can't be in here right now.

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