Chapter 23

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A/N: Thank you for all the love you have shown me! I am feeling so much better now. Kidney infections are no joke. It was literally and pain in the back. (Lol pun intended). Sorry this chapter took so long. Between being in pain from said kidney infection and my kids schooling its been hectic. However here it is, all be it a little shorter then usual, and I'm happy to report Chapter 24 is about half way done!

Chapter 23

Rayn finished the last of his dinner and shifted nervously in his chair. He knew he needed to easy their minds about going back to work. That however was proving to be as easy as pushing a square peg threw a round hole. Well best to get it over with, right? "So. I know you guys are not happy about me going back to work." "You are correct, Asami and myself don't think its a good idea." Goddric told him as he picked up the plates and placed them in the sink. "I know, which is why I think I have come up with a solution you both will be okay with." "We are listening." Asami said to him with a raised eyebrow. "So, I brought up your concerns during therapy last week. Which we have been talking about and working on ways to deal with the panic attacks. Dr. Emily is also worried about me going back to work full time. So we talked it over and here is what we came up with." Rayn said as he opened a spiral notebook and laid it on the table. "For the next two weeks I will only work Monday and Friday for around two hours each day, give or take. If things go well and then the following week will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday for around two hours. Again if everything goes well then the next four weeks will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday half shift, so four to six hours give or take. From there it just keeps gradually going up until I am back to work full time with no issues. And before you ask I have already spoken with Jamie about all of this. He said, and I quota 'If your jailers are good with it, I am good with it.' Ugh... Can't believe he made me say that." Rayn explained to them, running his hand over his face from what Jamie made him say. "And if we 'Jailers' are not okay with this?" Goddric asked him, clearly amused by Jamie's joke. "Then he will not let me come back to work." Rayn said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. Jamie had made it clear that he was welcome back to work, but only when he had permission from his mates. They were busy at the shop but there was no way in hell he was going to willingly piss off both his Alpha's just so he could have Rayn in the shop again.

Rayn continued to fidget in his chair as he watched his mates. They had not said a word to him for almost five minutes now. They were clearly discussing through the link, it was very unnerving. Finally after a few more minutes Goddric spoke. "I'm still not sold on all of this, however if you agree to a few compromises from us then we can try this." Goddric was pointing to the shift schedule. "And those would be?" He asked almost afraid to know. He loved Goddric, but the last three months had opened his eye's to just how protective and overbearing he could be. Was it a vampire thing? He knew werewolves could be overly protective in nature, but vampires? He really needed to learn more about vampires. "Three things. First Rico will have to be there with you. Second, two hours max next week. Third, and most important if we think this is to much for you we will stop allowing you to go. Your body maybe fully healed, but you're just starting to mentally get back to where you were before. Too much, too soon will only set you back Little one. I hope you understand we are doing this because we love you." "I do understand and love you both. Two hours max I can agree with. However the other two are being a bit unreasonable." "How so, Love?" Asami asked him. "I get that you are just trying to look out for my well being, but to just stop allowing me to work? You are joking right? You're basically treating me like a kid. Which I don't appreciate. Let me finish." Rayn told Goddric when he started to say something. "If things become to much or overwhelming then we can discuss it together and work out a solution then, but, and I mean this, you will not stop me without my agreement. I am very much aware of how my mental health is recovering, but you need to trust me. I am not as fragile as you are making me out to be. As for the thing with Rico I don't need a babysitter. You may be his Alpha's now, but you should at least ask him if he's okay with it first." "As Alpha's of the pack we don't have to....." "Stop right there Asami. You may be the Alpha, but you are not going to abuse the power that comes with it. Just because you can make someone in the pack do what you want without their permission, doesn't mean you should. Regardless of the reason, in a situation like this you still need to ask them." "You really are getting this whole Luna thing down..." He heard Asami muttered quietly. "Okay I have listened to your side and in consideration of all three of our points this is your finally option. One: This schedule is to be followed, the first week is two hours max. Two: If issues arise we will discuss it together and try to find a solution, but ultimately Asami and I have finally say. I am sorry but I am not budging on that. Three: We will talk with Rico and if he doesn't want to, then we will find someone else that does. It's not babysitting Rayn and its only for a few weeks. Its more for our peace of mind then for yours. And Last: We are to be contacted immediately if anything happens, even if its minor." Rayn listen to Goddric and considered everything carefully before answering him. "I still think you are being far to overbearing, but fine. I agree with your conditions. However you damn well better hold to them yourself Goddric. I can practically feel your need to lock me in the room. Seriously is this overbearingly protectiveness a vampire thing or just a you thing?" He huffed at Goddric. Asami chuckled saying it was a bit of both. "Now that its settled I going to take a shower." Rayn told them as he got up from the table and headed to there bedroom.

~ General point of View Change –Goddric and Rayn ~

Rayn had just started undressing when there came a knock on the bathroom door. "Its open." "Would it be okay if I join you Little one?" Rayn looked at his mate standing in the doorway. Goddric was giving him his signature sexy smirk. "Sure I'd like that, but what about Asami?" "He would like to join too, but he has patrol tonight so he just left." Goddric told him as he started to strip as well. Rayn stepped into the spray of the shower first, letting the warm water run over his body. Goddric stepped in behind him and carefully pulled him to his chest and teasingly ran his tongue cross his mating mark on Rayn's shoulder, causing him to hum softly in pleasure. Goddric slowly ran his right hand down Rayn's chest before wrapping his hand around his mate's now hard member. Rayn let out a soft moan as Goddric began to slowly move his hand up and down his erection. All the while he could feel Goddric's erection pressing against his ass. "You okay Little One?" Goddric asked him in a husky voice. "Yes. Don't stop." He moaned out. "Lean your arms against the wall." Goddric told him as he positioned him so he could sink to his knees behind Rayn. Goddric squeezed Rayn's ass before spreading his cheeks to reveal Rayn's awaiting hole. He leaned in and ran his tongue around the hole, teasing Rayn and drawing a gasp from him when he pressed his tongue into him. Goddric continued to tease Rayn with his tongue and fingers until he was begging. "P-please Goddric ah. I... no more...ahhh... teasing...I want you AHH." "Since you asked so nicely I guess I should be nice huh?" Goddric teased as he stood up and ground his erection against Rayn's backside. "Is this what you want Little one?" "Yes, please Goddric. I need you in me now." Rayn panted heavily. Goddric nipped his mates neck, teasing him with the tips of his fang as he lined his own erection against Rayn's needy entrance. He thrust into his mate at the same time as his fangs bit into the tender flesh of Rayn's neck, drawling out a yelp of pain and pleasure that pushed his mate over the edge. As Rayn rode out his orgasm Goddric took several deep pulls of blood from him. Rayn had not fully came down from his orgasm when Goddric began to thrust into him. "Wait.... I just ahh... came... ahh..." Rayn moaned out as Goddric continued to thrust into him. Goddric skillfully thrust into Rayn, each time hitting the bundle of nerves that brought him closer to his second climax. "Not so fast, I'm gonna cum again." Rayn moaned and pleaded. "Me too, I'm close. Let's cum together." Goddric whispered into his ear, thrusting a few more times before Rayn's orgasm pulled him over the edge as well. Rayn felt his mate's hot seed fill him as he came. Goddric ground against him a few more times before pulling out. He pulled Rayn to him, resting his chin on Rayn's shoulder. "You okay?" He asked Rayn through heavily breaths. "Better then okay." Rayn sighed as he leaned against him. After a few minutes they washed up, though Goddric did most of the washing, dried off, dressed and then snuggled into the bed.

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