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Trailing behind her sister and her daughter, Juliana did her best to not let her face crumbled the situation was getting under her nerves. She knew was heartless but not that bad.

She couldn't keep herself to not followed the woman petite figure walked away limping which she was sure was a consequence of her walking that long yesterday when she was the one convincing her to accompany her to her house where she just have to push it a little to have her all over her.

Disappearing behind a huge shelf Eleanor breathed in relief, the woman stare on her was unbearable, she felt like running away from the shop and find another job, sitting on a nearby chair she took a bandage in one of the boxes that was luckily near her where she kept her emergency tools.

Removing the protection it had, she pulled her pants which by chance wasn't tight up then put the bandage around her knee after applying a Baum. Stretching her leg the pain lesser allowing her to start working again.

She poundered on a way out of her current situation trying her best to think about everything, her family coming first.

She couldn't put her mother in a state where she were forced to work she never did, that means she will certainly be force to do things that will have her feeling low with her sensitive nature it wasn't even a way as far as she was concern. Sighing she massaged her skull through her head.

Working in Harris Co pay good for their family, she will keep it like that, in fact she was thankful to her boss for showing her her true face, at least she had nothing to daydreams about or even to look out for if not her family well being.

They were the only one that still had some kind of love for her, though she didn't knew if it will still be the case if they ever discovered who she was.

Burring herself in her work she sucked all her worries away replace by blankness.

Sipping her third glass of wine seated on  the arm of the couch in her big office Juliana zoned out of her sister story she couldn't keep herself in the conversation  that was going on and on but was caught off guard by her last words which registered in slow motion in her brain.

"... She is beautiful, though...I wonder where she was coming from?" Pursing her lips she stared at what Lana chosed absentmindedly. It was all scattered on one of the sofa opposite her.

"It certainly is none of your business. You should"

"I still wonder, I mean, who will treat someone like her like that? Come on... Monroe Street is lifeless all the day a Sunday!? That mean she certainly was going back from somewhere. She played it off but I'm not stupid... There is more to it. You could tell, you guys saw she was in pain!? She wasn't limping yesterday, rather jogging and walking fast but there where no limping."

Nodding at her mother words, Lana folded her clothes silently thinking as her mother.

"You are certainly right but if she doesn't want any help we can't force her. I proposed... She refused end of the discussion. Please Amy just dropped it."

Nodding at her sister words Amy shrugged swallowing the wine in her glass pulled a face Juliana knew, clenching her jaws she took a mental note kipping an eyes on her.

She knew she did a bad move the night before which the little part of her mind that still was alive showed her. She was already paying the price, it seemed like the habitual void in her heart seemed to double in size, leaving her an empty form. The first time she ever felt near hole was between her employee hands, reaching her peak like that she never did.

Apparently the tactic she always used with all her relations was to be the one ruling, doing the the up and down. That was not taking in consideration the young woman stubbornness.

After the way she treated her downstairs it was clear that she was applying what she said about them not knowing each other or things ever happening between them.

What Juliana didn't wanted anymore, she could tell by the knot in her heart that things wasn't over at least for her.

Going back to work she finished hours later only to find that her niece was sleeping on the couch the flat screen TV on the big Bluetooth earphones hanging on her chest, while Amy was working on her computer totally concentrated.
Leaning back on her leather chair she closed her eyes for a moment feeling sore for working five hours straight.

Looking at the huge clock on the wall right opposite her desk reading a little past seven, she stood up catching her sister attention.

"Your finish? Okay I'll wake Lana." As her sister gathered her stuff in her brieftcase, Amy woke her daughter moving her out a hand around her waist.

They were walking toward her private elevator just near her secretary office went Amy stopped to tie a sleeping Lana shoes.

Rolling her eyes at how her niece could be a baby ruling her mother sometimes,   Juliana stepped away from them stopping just in time in front of her elevator, voices getting to her.

Peaking in the other way of the hallway opposite hers, the one people used to get to her or the three others offices on the floor, there were two women and a man waiting the other elevator while chatting.

"You can't say your board is full dear, MacArthur will never be on it, trust me I think even under influence she will not give in." One woman said chuckling to her friends.

Juliana heart skipped a beat when she heard Eleanor name. Clenching her jaws she listened to them keeping an eye on her sister still behind.

"Why not? Sure I've tried everything I could she wasn't move one bit. I believe in time my dear. Time give you everything you want. One can keep dreaming."

"Please don't said it, I hate to admit it but two years is a hole different this. She is always in her bunker... Even when it is lunch break! Accumulating late hours. I bet you, she is still here at this time. By tomorrow morning the warehouse will look nothing as the mess it was when the new collection arrived. She may suck in lover relationship but is a gem when it comes to work."

"My poor Frank you are too gay for your own good. Beside you wouldn't know." Laura Cunningham, the HR chief of department said to Frank Lalan the financial chief.

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